Chioma Ifeanyi Eze, Has Created Nigeria’s Accounting Factory
A major challenge faced by SMEs in Nigeria is accessing accounting services at an affordable rate. Chioma Ifeanyi Eze, 2016 TEF Alumnae, spotted this gap, which birthed the launch of her company, AccountingHub. This solution has seen to proving accounting services for over 500 businesses and training of well over 5000 business owners.
Launched in January 2016, AccountingHub brings together a collection of accountants and consultants to offer quality accounting services to Nigerian SMEs. It provides a marketplace for bookkeeping and allied accounting services, with its online shop allowing businesses to quickly arrange and pay for a variety of services.
Through this brilliant accounting solution, business owners can focus on their business while trusting that their accounting books are being managed, all without breaking the bank. They offer services ranging from Bookkeeping, tax services, payroll services, am0ongst others.
Chioma continues to remain sensitive to the accounting needs of SMEs in Nigeria and creates products that directly address these needs. She recently published ‘Petty cash policy’, a free e-book that seeks to manage and regulate how small cash expenses of the business are funded, made, and tracked, to ensure proper bookkeeping and cash management are attained.
With this resource, readers not only discover how to use a simple policy to define a petty cash amount and acceptable expense types but also learn to create a coding system that tracks all petty cash expenses, no matter how small, all in 5 minutes; the duration of time needed to read the e-book.
To further advance her mission to ease the accounting struggles of Nigerian SMEs, Chioma has very recently launched Çhioma Business School. This is an incorporated business school that that will offer business trainings for entrepreneurs looking to grow their business for just N1,000.