قام الدكتور أكينوونمي أديسينا، معالي وزير الزراعة والتنمية الريفية بجمهورية نيجيريا الاتحادية، بزيارة بورصة شرق أفريقيا (EAX) لمعرفة المزيد عن قدرات البورصة ووظائفها.
المزيد →قام الدكتور أكينوونمي أديسينا، معالي وزير الزراعة والتنمية الريفية بجمهورية نيجيريا الاتحادية، بزيارة بورصة شرق أفريقيا (EAX) لمعرفة المزيد عن قدرات البورصة ووظائفها.
المزيد →رئيسنا توني إلوميلو يخبر إيليني جيوكوس بأفكاره حول كيفية نمو إمدادات الكهرباء في أفريقيا. ويتحدث أيضًا عن عمليات الاستحواذ في قطاع الطاقة في نيجيريا وما يجب القيام به لجذب المستثمرين إلى أفريقيا. [youtube]http://youtu.be/IYO9nNRLY98[/youtube] الائتمان: BloombergTVAfrica إرسال إلغاء شكرًا على تعليقاتك!
المزيد →This year, we presented awards to the 2014 winners of the Elumelu Legacy Prize at University of Calabar and University of Nigeria, Nsukka. The prize was presented at the 27th and 43rd Convocation ceremonies of the University of Calabar (UNICAL) and University of Nigeria Nsukka respectively; to the best performing students at the undergraduate and …
المزيد →London — Testimony of Tony O. Elumelu, Chairman of Heirs Holdings and the Tony Elumelu Foundation “Powering Africa’s Future – Examining the Power Africa Initiative” U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee’s Subcommittee on African Affairs Good morning. I want to begin by thanking Chairman Coons and Ranking Member Flake for inviting me to testify before this committee …
المزيد →In this interview with ThisDay, Dr. Wiebe Boer, CEO of The Tony Elumelu Foundation, speaks about a $150,000 donation to the African Union Foundation. Submit Cancel Thanks for your feedback!
المزيد →By Lawrence Mbae Without strong industries to create jobs and add value to raw materials, African countries risk remaining shackled by joblessness and poverty. Côte d’Ivoire and Ghana produce 53percent of the world’s cocoa. But the supermarket shelves in Abidjan and Accra, their respective capitals, are stacked with chocolates imported from Switzerland and the UK, …
المزيد →Tony O. Elumelu is a respected African voice. The private sector, national governments and development agencies should work together to achieve long-term impact that creates economic prosperity and social wealth for all, urges the father of “Africapitalism”. [wpfilebase tag=file id=8 tpl=simple /] Submit Cancel Thanks for your feedback!
المزيد →The Tony Elumelu Foundation will today hold its sixth semi-annual Advisory Board meeting in Lagos, Nigeria, where board members will gather to review and provide direction to the pan-African philanthropy on its programmes and interventions. This year’s meeting will centre on a review of the Foundation’s first three years of operations, and flesh out its ambitious plans for the next five years.
المزيد →أعلنت مؤسسة توني إلوميلو اليوم أنها قدمت دعمًا لمشروع رسم خرائط مجموعة الابتكارات في نيجيريا.
المزيد →On Saturday, 22 February 2014, Tony O. Elumelu, CON, received the Investor of the Year Award, presented by The Sun. The award recognizes his contribution to the growth of the Nigerian economy, highlighting his “remarkable” $2.5 billion commitment to the Power Africa initiative. We send a hearty congratulations to a courageous African investor and leader, whose …
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