Meet the Tony Elumelu Entrepreneurs Making Impact in the Wake of the COVID-19 Global Pandemic
These Tony Elumelu Entrepreneurs are making it a top priority to leave a positive dent in their community in spite of the COVID-19 pandemic.

6 من رواد الأعمال الأفارقة الشباب يبتكرون حلولاً مبتكرة لمعالجة الوباء في مجتمعاتهم
Young African Entrepreneurs: The coronavirus pandemic presents new challenges to every dimension of life as we know it. With the global effort to reduce the

مشروع نورا شينان Shine Space يوفر للطلاب في المغرب فرصًا للتعلم المبكر والاستعداد للمستقبل
In Morocco, 80% of students between the age of 15 – 18 are uncertain about their future. As a result, they graduate without the personal

ماري كريستينا كولو "البديل. "الصابون" يساعد الفقراء في مدغشقر على الفوز في المعركة ضد كوفيد-19
In April 2020, Marie and her team’s innovative idea won Madagascar’s first national Hackathon “Hackoragnavius”. Their idea? “Alt. Soap”, an eco-friendly soap gel that does

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Kimuli Fashionability is a Ugandan fashion label on a mission to create a world made better with recyclable fashion. Since the pandemic began, the company,

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The mortality rate of newborn babies in Nigeria is high due to complications during pregnancy and delivery and challenges in proper maternal care. With the

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Every day comes with a choice: to take a step back or to take action that will give rise to hope. While the world faces
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