
  • أغبور أشوماني أكو

    أغبور أشوماني أكو

    أغبور أشوماني أكو هو أحد مؤسسي GiftedMom، وهي منصة صحية رقمية مقرها في الكاميرون تتيح للنساء الحوامل والأمهات في جميع أنحاء أفريقيا الوصول إلى المعلومات والرعاية الصحية الحيوية. باعتبارها منصة رقمية أولاً، فإن GiftedMom قادرة على التوسع بشكل أسرع من أنظمة الرعاية الصحية التقليدية وتهدف الشركة الناشئة إلى الوصول إلى 10 ملايين امرأة في ...

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  • جيسيكا الوغو

    جيسيكا الوغو

    Jessica Medza Allogo is at the founder of of “Les Pots de l’Ogooue”, a Gabonese confectionery that produces jams made from local fruits in fond in her home country of Gabon. Before starting her business, Jessica worked for 10 years in the petroleum sector in Gabon and Asia where she acquired solid knowledge in process …

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  • فلافيان كواتشا

    فلافيان كواتشا

    Flavien Kouatcha is a young engineer who is the head of Save Our Agriculture, a company specializing in aquaponics, a system that allows the cultivation of plants and the breeding of fish in the same device. Using fish droppings he is able to create a natural fertilizer for plant growth. Through the Save Our Agriculture system they …

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  • Tidiane Rangel

    Tidiane Rangel

    With a business team composed mainly of female locals, Angola’s Tidiane Rangel is securing Angola’s economic growth and empowering women through its direct and indirect contribution to the development of other local businesses. Her vision was inspired by a challenge she wanted to address, which is that the difficulty in local sourcing for needed resources …

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  • خريجي TEF جيمس شتراوس

    جيمس شتراوس

    As a seasoned Brand Strategist and Multimedia Designer professional with over 8 years of experience, James Strauss decided to launch a 360 Media company in Namibia in 2019 to assist companies with their digital marketing needs. The Tony Elumelu Foundation Entrepreneurship Programme gave him the much-needed support he required to make a commitment of such …

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  • Saint Eudes Bissala

    Saint Eudes Bissala

    With a scientific academic background, Saint Eudes followed the world of architecture and then found himself in the field of ICT where he served as an incubator, managing teams for projects and building his leadership skills. However, it was in 2019, through the Tony Elumelu Foundation programme, that he received the training and validation he …

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  • جاستن نيجينا

    جاستن نيجينا

    From the 2017 Tony Elumelu Foundation Entrepreneurship programme, Rwandan Justin Niyigena learned how to cultivate valuable network and business leadership skills through the series of training to grow his poultry farming enterprise, Breeding Hens LTD. With only 2 years of experience in his agri-business, the seed capital also helped him run his business professionally. His …

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  • Headshot-العنصر النائب-ذكر

    نجانجا فيليكس

    Nganga Felix is a computer engineer skilled at developing software for PCs and mobile phones. His business, Ngangalix commercial, is specialized in training centre (ITs courses) and selling ITs accessories software and hardware in one of the communities in Angola Capital (Luanda). After deeply analysing the worst situation of his community which ranged from poor …

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  • ميليسا بيم

    ميليسا بيم

    Melissa Bime is the founder of Infiuss — an online blood bank Bime started in December 2017. In the year since its launch, Infiuss’ motorbikes have delivered more than 2,300 bags of blood to patients at 23 hospitals in Yaoundé and Douala. Before Infiuss, access to blood was a dilemma for both physicians and patients …

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  • أنجيلو أوكتافيو

    Angolan entrepreneur Angelo Octavio decided to delve into the Healthcare sector to manufacture a new kind of disposable gloves (latex powder-free, Vinyl, Nitrile), in order to ease the high demand of hospital ready-to-use materials in Angola, and hopefully contribute to the decrease of public health risks experienced in public hospitals. His company, AAEI Empreendimentos Lda …

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Apply NOW for $5000 in the 2025 Tony Elumelu Foundation Entrepreneurship Programme!

تحديث سياسة الخصوصية

لقد أجرينا تغييرات على سياسة الخصوصية الخاصة بنا لحماية بياناتك الشخصية بشكل أفضل! يرجى مراجعة وفهم تحديثنا سياسة الخصوصية

أوافق على سياسة الخصوصية المحدثة. أدرك أن استخدام مؤسسة Tony Elumelu لبياناتي الشخصية سيكون وفقًا لسياسة الخصوصية المحدثة.