
  • ديفيد كيماني

    ديفيد كيماني

    تتيح Vacay Holiday Deals للمسافرين أن يكونوا وكلاء خاصين بهم من خلال بيع المخزون من أكثر من 500 شركة طيران و500000 فندق حول العالم ضمن موقع ويب واحد. وهذا يقلل من صعوبة البحث أو الاتصال بمقدمي خدمات مختلفين، بالإضافة إلى توفير خدمة مريحة على مدار الساعة طوال أيام الأسبوع متاحة لأي شخص لديه إمكانية الوصول إلى الإنترنت.

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  • إيفرلين إيموند

    إيفرلين إيموند

    Realtime Fifty Four Holdings is a graphic design, printing, branding and publishing company that offers cutting edge solutions to all visual communication needs. Over the years Realtime54 has distinguished itself as a visuals communications provider of repute handling heavy and demanding work volumes. We also have a training centre where we produce high quality professionals …

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  • Headshot-العنصر النائب-ذكر

    كينيدي لاموينيا

    Kenedy is the founder and CEO of SunPoynt, a leading ‘pay-as-you-go’ energy services company that has innovatively combined mobile money technology and product design to provide under-served off-grid communities in Kenya with access to affordable solar-powered TV home systems. Since launching his product in the market in February 2015, his has successfully been able to …

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  • stella sigana

    Stella Sigana

    Stella Sigana is the founder of Alternative Waste Technologies, which is a mission-driven social enterprise, whose aim is to create meaningful employment opportunities to at-risk youths to avoid crime, unlock their potential, develop their skills and create successful futures for themselves. AWT core business focus has been on the production of fuel briquettes through the …

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  • ليروي مواسارو

    Profile As a high school student of Maseno School, Young Leroy Mwasaru started Greenpact when his school faced a problem of a faulty sewer system. The sewer problem polluted nearby sources of domestic water for the neighboring community, sparking a demonstration against the school. In a bid to provide a solution to this problem, Leroy …

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  • إدموند نوني

    إدموند نوني

    Profile Edmond Nonie’s father built a house in Sierra Leone whilst teaching as a lecturer abroad and during this process, he lost thousands of dollars to unscrupulous contractors. This gave birth to the idea of developing a service that made that story a thing of the past. About Track Your Build Track Your Build is …

    المزيد →

Apply NOW for $5000 in the 2025 Tony Elumelu Foundation Entrepreneurship Programme!

تحديث سياسة الخصوصية

لقد أجرينا تغييرات على سياسة الخصوصية الخاصة بنا لحماية بياناتك الشخصية بشكل أفضل! يرجى مراجعة وفهم تحديثنا سياسة الخصوصية

أوافق على سياسة الخصوصية المحدثة. أدرك أن استخدام مؤسسة Tony Elumelu لبياناتي الشخصية سيكون وفقًا لسياسة الخصوصية المحدثة.