
  • معمر تال

    معمر تال

    Momarr Mass Taal is the founder and managing director of Tropingo Foods, which is currently the largest processor and exporter of processed foods in the Gambia. Tropingo was founded in 2014 as a food processing company and they currently process and export dried mangoes and groundnuts from Gambia to different places around the world, such …

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  • ماهر أوديرة

    ماهر أوديرة

    Maher Oudira is the CEO of Green ALAFCO; a recycling company that recycles and exports aluminium cans to international buyers. Currently, his company has been able to rid the streets of Tunisia of over 1,000 tons of cans with the hope of reaching 4,000 tons in the next few years. His goal is to make …

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  • Headshot-العنصر النائب-ذكر

    كينيدي لاموينيا

    Kenedy is the founder and CEO of SunPoynt, a leading ‘pay-as-you-go’ energy services company that has innovatively combined mobile money technology and product design to provide under-served off-grid communities in Kenya with access to affordable solar-powered TV home systems. Since launching his product in the market in February 2015, his has successfully been able to …

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  • Runcie c.w. Chidebe

    Runcie C.W. Chidebe

    Runcie C.W. Chidebe is the founder of Project PINK BLUE, a cancer-fighting venture in Nigeria, connecting cancer patients and communities to cancer diagnosis, treatment and care providers. Since completing the TEF Programme, Project Pink Blue has directly impacted 1,235 women and men through screening and enlightened over a million people in Africa through Radio, Television …

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  • ناثان دامتيو

    ناثان دامتيو

    Nathan Damtew is the founder of the technology and gaming company BeBlocky. The companies first product is a programming learning platform for kids. It uses animated programming lessons as a traditional app and through augmented reality to teach children the basics of computer programming using a modified curriculum based off of lessons from CODE.org. BeBlocky …

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  • Prince Kwame Agbata

    Prince Kwame Agbata

    Prince Kwame Agbata is the co-founder of Coliba, an early stage waste management platform that leverages on mobile and web technology to help users separate their waste, schedule and request a pickup and get waste picked from the comfort of user’s home.  

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  • أوكي إيسي، توني إلوميلو رجل أعمال

    أوكي إيسي

    Okey Esse is the founder of Powerstove, a clean-energy advocate and focused company that designs, manufactures and distributes smokeless cookstoves that use 70% less biomass to cook food while generating 50 watts of electricity for the user’s household. The Company also produces Goodlife Pellets, a Premium Refuse-Derived Fuel which costs 60% lower than firewood and …

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  • محمد الضوافي

    محمد الضوافي

    Mohamed Dhaouafi always inquisitive and curious, always wanting to know “Why” and “How” everything is the way it is or done the way it’s done. It is easy to liken his curiosity to that old saying about the curiosity of a cat but in his case, curiosity doesn’t kill the cat, it only makes him …

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  • ميشيل نكوينديجا

    ميشيل نكوينجا

    أثناء نشأته، كان ميشيل نكوينديجا يهدأ بالحكايات والأساطير الأفريقية، مما جعل مخيلته تنطلق بأفكار تحوم حول عوالم خيالية مستوحاة من هذه الحكايات. فقط ومع تقدمه في السن، أدرك أن هذه القصص التي يرويها لنا الأجداد لم تكن متوفرة في العديد من الكتب والقصص المصورة وحتى …

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  • إليسانمي-أولالكان

    إليسانمي أولليكان

    Ilesanmi Olalekan is the Founder and CEO fo Wocman – an ICT solution that connects customers to nearest artisans, freelance professionals and local suppliers of household repairable to help execute construction, repairs and domestic works with just a tab on their mobile phones. Since he received the seed capital funding from TEF, Olalekan has been …

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Apply NOW for $5000 in the 2025 Tony Elumelu Foundation Entrepreneurship Programme!

تحديث سياسة الخصوصية

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أوافق على سياسة الخصوصية المحدثة. أدرك أن استخدام مؤسسة Tony Elumelu لبياناتي الشخصية سيكون وفقًا لسياسة الخصوصية المحدثة.