Author Archives: Joshua Praise

  • From a Childhood Experience to a Thriving Business, Meet Shamim Nabuuma

    At the age of 6, Shamim Nabuuma experienced tooth pain and this was repeatedly treated with pain relieving tablets, however this was not enough to keep away the tooth pain which soon degenerated to a swollen jaw. Even with all that pain, her parents couldn’t afford to take her to the dentist. They however mobilized …

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  • TEF Entrepreneur, Angel Adelaja shares Solution at MIT Solve

    Angel Adelaja (Agriculture, 2017) presented her “City Farming” model to the Prime Minister of Canada, Justin Trudeau and participants at the MIT Solve, A marketplace connecting innovators with resources to solve Global Challenges. Angel is the founder and CEO of Fresh Direct Produce and Agro-Allied Services, an urban farming and Ag-tech company that uses stackable container farms! Fresh …

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  • TEF Trustee, Dr. Awele Discussing How to Improve Africa’s Immunisation Outcomes

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  • Disrupting the African Fashion Industry with Serah Kassim Ready to Wear Brand

    Textile and clothing is the second largest sector in the developing world after agriculture, this sector is dominated by SMEs and holds the potential to create jobs for millions of women and youth across Africa. Discussions on African inspired clothing takes the centre stage at forums on fashion and exhibitions around the world. From the …

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  • Staying Afloat in the Nigerian Tech Sector

    This week, we caught up with Adeniyi Olayemi, CEO of Go Live Naija who bares it all on how to stay afloat in the Nigerian tech sector   Submit Cancel Thanks for your feedback!

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  • The Rule of Managing Artisans

    This Entrepreneur started her business with $5,000 and now runs a business that employs 150 workers. Meet the CEO of Hands on Facility, Adebola Oyedeji who runs a business that relies heavily on artisans. She shares the joys, the pains and how she overcomes the hurdles along the way.   Submit Cancel Thanks for your …

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  • Dainel-Oulai

    Dainel Oulai’s Multiple Solutions to Tackling the Challenges of Food Security

    Across the world Food security brings a huge debate with organisations, individuals and governments taking a centre stage in the tackling the interrelated elements of: availability, access, utilisation and stability. Grainothèque founded by a young agroecology activist and, Daniel Oulai (2017, Agriculture), is one of such organizations that is driving the agenda of food security. As a young boy …

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  • Leading Your Team To Success

    Valerio Thompson of GCE Initiative, Chinyere Opara of Dizly Imprint and Martins Okonkwo of Gospotainment come together to discuss their leadership skills and how they lead their teams to success. Submit Cancel Thanks for your feedback!

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  • Shabbirali Mussa: Solving the Waste Challenge of Tanzania

    From Arusha to Dar es Salaam, over every 5 mins walk you will find a plastic bag (polythene) on the road or in a drainage leading to pollution. In Tanzania, a devastating amount of over a million polythene plastic bags are used each year. Only a small percentage of these plastic bags are used again …

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  • 2018 TEF Entrepreneurship Programme at a Glance

    Click here TEF-2018-At-A-Glance to see a breakdown of the selected Tony Elumelu Entrepreneurs for 2018 Submit Cancel Thanks for your feedback!

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