Author Archives: Joshua Praise

  • Elumelu Opens Digital Economy for Africa Forum with World Bank President and LinkedIn CEO

    First published here Chairman, Heirs Holdings and Founder, The Tony Elumelu Foundation, Tony O. Elumelu will join Jim Yong Kim, President, World Bank Group and Jeff Weiner, LinkedIn CEO at the opening debate of the ‘Digital Economy for Africa’ Forum in Washington, D.C organised by the World Bank Group. The event, which will hold on …

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  • Nana Asomaniwaa is Caring for Care Givers Through Erith Health Service

    Nana Asomaniwaa is a young pharmacist turned entrepreneur, her entrepreneurial inclinations began when she started working in a cancer unit and realised that nurses, doctors, pharmacists and other medical caregivers can contract cancer just through administering care to the patients. This scary thought gave her a business idea. As a student, Nana had her internship …

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  • #TEF Founder’s Forum Kenya

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  • Running an Effective Business

    Stella Ozemoya of Stell row, an agro processing company and Charles Okeibunor of IRMP, a workplace relationship management company discuss how they run effective businesses in the Agriculture and Education sector, respectively.   Submit Cancel Thanks for your feedback!

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  • Temitayo Orekoya standing and holding microphone

    From Passion to Profit: Meet Temitayo, the Swimming Entrepreneur

    A popular saying in Ogun state, South West Nigeria that descendants of Ijebu land do not go swimming may have been true until Tony Elumelu Entrepreneur Temitayo Orekoya (2016) came in contact with the sport. Growing up, Temitayo never had any encounter with sports but rather was seen as a nerd with a gift for …

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  • Chigozie Bashua and Kingsley Iweka

    Is There a Right Way to Network

    On this episode of the TEF Audio Stories, we have Kingsley Iweka, 2015 Tony Elumelu Entrepreneur in the media sector and Chigozie Bashua, 2017 Tony Elumelu Entrepreneur in the Agric sector as we discuss the importance of Networking to an African Entrepreneur. Listen below:   Submit Cancel Thanks for your feedback!

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  • A Tale of 2 Applications to the TEF programme

    As an undergraduate of the University of Jos, Plateau State, Nigeria, Aaron Ejeme worked as a freelance digital marketing specialist, servicing clients from around Nigeria. Aaron took his skill a step further by subscribing to Global online platforms that helps freelancers get jobs but his experience on these platforms left a bitter taste. The stereotype …

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  • After 3 Attempts, the Safety Chic is a Tony Elumelu Entrepreneur

    The name Ugochi Augusta Obidiegwu may not ring a bell to all but “The Safety Chic” certainly does to those who take Child safety very serious as it should be. The Safety Chic as she is called simply incorporates safety education in child learning. In 2013, Ugochi, who was and is still working as a …

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  • Driving Inclusion: TEF Mentor, Adejoke Ogungbire hosted Application Drives for Hearing Impaired Entrepreneurs

    The next era of entrepreneurship is about raising the bar, leveling the playing field, expanding participation and scaling the networks of social, financial and inspiration capital that provide the foundation for successful startups and scalable business. As part of the inclusive entrepreneurship movement, the Tony Elumelu Foundation has consistently driven awareness for increased women participation …

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  • From an Early Start in Trading to Garment Making, Meet Ogenedoroh Udeh

    At Age 14, Oghenedoro Udeh started her first business of sales of plantain chips.  Together with a friend, She made the chips and sold to traders around who inturn retailed this. This she says was the beginning of her entrepreneurial journey which has now gone from trade to fashion. on to Oghenedoro set up Fame design …

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