Author Archives: Nelson Chukwu-John

  • Fadekemi Ajayi

    My Journey into the Corporate World as a TEF Graduate Trainee

    “A career in a well-structured organization is a lifetime achievement,” I said to myself after a year and six months of doing “what my hands found to do”. At this point, I was thirsty for growth, and it was clear to me that I needed to define the career path I wanted to tread. This …

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  • Amaka, TEF Graduate Trainee

    As a TEF Graduate Trainee, The Learning Process is Never-ending.

    Being a Graduate Trainee at Heirs Holdings is a great opportunity.  After three weeks in the classroom, a lot has impacted me. Our facilitators throughout the classroom session highlighted the importance of understanding the company’s key principles, which are “Excellence, Enterprise, and Execution.” They encouraged and counselled us on how to incorporate these principles into …

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  • Nurudeen

    It’s Been 3 Weeks of Rewarding Growth, I Am Ready for the Next Chapter

    It’s my third week in the Marketing and Corporate Communication team of the Tony Elumelu Foundation and I must say it has been interesting.  The Marketing and Corporate Communication team is tasked with the responsibility of targeting distinct audiences across various social media platforms with varying intents. At the Marketing and Corporate Communication team, we …

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  • Tobena

    My Third Week as a Tony Elumelu Foundation Graduate Trainee

    I can now gladly say I’ve been in the Heirs Holdings group for more than a month and it’s been a wonderful experience. A lot to unpack. I’ve been able to carry with me everything I picked up during the classroom sessions into my job rotation, immerse myself fully and keep up with the fast-paced …

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  • Chiemezie Nwosu

    There’s Nothing More Incredible in Life Than Reinventing Yourself

    I’m in my final days at the Tony Elumelu Foundation’s Marketing and Corporate Communications department, and I have to say, the journey here so far has been both tasking and exciting. Tasking in the sense that creating social media content isn’t easy stuff, especially for someone like me who isn’t social media savvy; it has …

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