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    Delivering the Best Pitch

    In an increasingly globalised world, reliable and safe goods movement form the backbone of the world economy. For this reason, Zambian entrepreneur Cephas Nshimyumuremyi started Tribology Energies five years ago to focus mainly on the retail distribution sector. Today, they have a contract with Total Zambia, where they distribute high performance lubricants and a contract …

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    Transforming Poachers into Protectors

    All species on earth, including humans, depend on the services provided by other species to survive. This biological diversity provides the resources necessary to maintain the healthy systems we need to thrive. Harmful activities such as hunting can have serious consequences on the environment since natural ecosystems are interconnected and interdependent. 35-year old Rwandan entrepreneur …

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  • Greenrev

    Greenrev’s Approach to Fighting Malnourishment in Rwanda

    Two years before he launched his enterprise GREENREV GR LTD, Joseph Niyomukiza could not stop thinking of how much more cost-effective food fortification is to vaccinations in preventing or fighting disease. The idea was rooted in the development of his country, Rwanda. Yet, it was not until the Tony Elumelu Entrepreneurship Programme, where he received …

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  • TEF Alumni Lalita Purbhoo Junggee

    Lalita Purbhoo Junggee is Reducing Mauritius’ Carbon Footprint with Biodegradable Products

    When Design & Print Co LTD launched in 2011, the big idea was to power large format digital printing in Mauritius. The company, founded by Lalita, would print mainly outdoor advertising: billboards and banners. A few years later, they realized that they had become part of an industry that generates a lot of solid waste. …

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  • TEF Alumni Regis Umugiraneze

    Regis Umugiraneza’s Innovative Idea is Maximizing the Use of Sweet Potatoes in Rwanda

    In his fourth year of studying Agriculture Economics and Agribusiness at the University of Rwanda, Regis Umugiraneza had an idea about sweet potatoes in Rwanda and sub-Saharan Africa. Choosing to go the extra mile, he used his dissertation to interrogate this idea further, and in 2014, he realized he could add value to this crop. Rwanda often experienced …

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  • Paul Nyambe handling a goat scaled

    “Perseverance is one of the key elements for running a business,” – Paul Nyambe

    It’s All about a Long-term View If success is the goal, then it can be said that perseverance is the engine. Few individuals are able to achieve great things without first overcoming the obstacles that stand in their way. Many individuals who decided to set out on their own are familiar with the hardest part …

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    5 Young African Entrepreneurs Growing Eco-friendly Businesses on the Continent

    Eco-entrepreneurship is the new fad of startup entrepreneurship, not because of its rising popularity, but its potential to transform our environment, improving the quality of life.  In Africa, green entrepreneurship is gaining significant traction, with more and more young African entrepreneurs seeking innovative ways to solve immediate environmental challenges, while making profits.   Here a …

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  • Shamim Nabuuma Kaliisa

    2020 Forbes Africa 30 Under 30, Shamim Nabuuma Kaliisa is Using Technology to Forge a Better Tomorrow

    Shamim Nabuuma Kaliisa, 24, Uganda Founder and Executive Director of Chil Artificial Intelligence Lab Industry: Artificial intelligence in medicine At only 24, Shamim Nabuuma Kaliisa is an entrepreneur with a background in the medical field. She is also a cancer survivor. But she would rather you call her an entrepreneur, she expresses, as she arrives …

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    How Martin Ruga Turned His Kitchen into a Multi-million Dollar Chocolate Business

    Romance is never complete without a candle lit dinner and a bar of chocolate. In particular, chocolates do not only induce romance, but also provide an aura of consolation, relaxation and comfort. For Martin Ruga, though, chocolates are a source of livelihood. This is because the 27-year-old runs a chocolate processing business known as Desserts …

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    Meet Nabuuma Shamim Kaliisa, a 24-year-old Cancer Survivor Who Considers Herself a Social Entrepreneur and Innovator.

    This is Me I am determined to not only exist but to thrive and to help others thrive. My name is Nabuuma Shamim Kaliisa, I am a 24-year-old cancer survivor! While I have medical training/education, I consider myself more as a social entrepreneur and an innovator in the field of medicine. My Business Idea was …

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