Alumni stories

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    Meet the Selected Entrepreneurs

    More than 150,000 Africans from 114 countries worldwide applied to join the 4th ‎cycle of The Tony Elumelu Foundation’s 10-year, $100 million TEF Entrepreneurship Programme. Today, the Foundation announced the African entrepreneurs with the most innovative, high-potential business ideas. Meet all the Tony Elumelu Entrepreneurs here   Submit Cancel Thanks for your feedback!

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  • From Gambia to Nigeria, Mbadibba and Chuma Share Their Experiences on Providing Solutions to the Agriculture Value Chain

    With more than 60% of its 1.166 billion people living in rural areas, Africa’s economy is inherently dependent on agriculture. More than 32% of the continent’s gross domestic product comes from the sector. However, This is reflective of the applications received to date by the Tony Elumelu Foundation, with over 30% of total applications received …

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  • 6 days 1

    Lawrence Hoba and EnraPower are the Solution to Zimbabwe’s Power Problems.

    Zimbabwe requires about 1 600 megawatts (MW) of electricity daily, but the country’s electricity body, ZESA’s five power stations at Hwange, Kariba, Harare, Munyati and Bulawayo generate less than 1 000MW. As a result, serious operational constraints have been evident. Harare Power Station has been producing 25 MW of electricity a day on average, while …

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  • Jama Yassin Tony Elumelu Entrepreneur

    Inspiring a New Generation of Farmers in Somalia, Jama of Hadi Farms Shares His Story.

    Majority of the people of Somalia are pastoral nomads. Camels (the traditional currency of prestige and wealth), sheep, goats and some cattle are raised in large numbers across the plains and range lands of Somaliland provide both daily subsistence and the economic backbone of the country. With an estimated 60 per cent of the population …

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  • Chris Kwekowe is Tackling Unemployment and Talent Management with Slatecube

    Chris Kwekowe is not your regular 24 year old! At 19, this Tony Elumelu Entrepreneur alongside his brother founded Microbold, a company focusedon providing  business solutions for SMEs and large scale enterprises, offering an extensively innovative approach towards providing technology solutions for business, education, family and even technology enthusiast. However, Microbold is not what rings …

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    Ifedayo Durosinmi-Etti is Shaping her world through Parliamo Bambini

    This week in Davos, Switzerland, the 48th World Economic Forum Annual Meeting gathered global leaders and players to discuss and develop a shared narrative to improve the state of the world.  Beyond the annual summit by WEF, the WEF also seeks to replicate change through hubs across the world via the Global Shapers Community, a …

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  • Philippe CAR 2

    Philippe is Creating Impact Beyond Adversary through SPJ

    Factional fighting between the government and its opponents remains a drag on economic revitalization in countries across the world, Central African Republic is not left behind in this as crisis across the country has been longterm and characterised by sporadic surges of violence against a backdrop of state disintegration, a survival economy and deep inter-ethnic …

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    ‘’Africapitalism begins with you!’’ – Riziki Jailos Messa

    With conviction in the philosophy of ‘’Africapitalism’’ and the believe of founder, Tony O. Elumelu that “no one but African can develop them Africa”, Tanzanian entrepreneur and CEO of Jagrin,  Riziki Jailos Messa has offered free finance consultancy services to the TEF 2017 entrepreneurs. Riziki writes on his decision to help: Apart from being an …

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  • Maureen Ideozu

    Maureen Ideozu is on a Path to Improving Export Policy

    Government policies have a tremendous effect on a country’s ability to be competitive, yet not many governments in developing nations have the necessary resources to develop investment-friendly policies that will trigger economic growth. This can be one of the biggest barriers to the sustainable growth of a high-quality private sector. Recognizing this reality, The Tony …

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  • On Track to Impact 1 million Agropreneurs – Meet Ayodeji Balogun of AFEX

    With an early start to trading, Ayodeji Balogun started learning trade and business operations as a teenager through his family business. At thirteen he consummated his first business venture, a transaction which at today’s value is worth $4,000 and managing his family owned commodities trading business with turnover in excess of USD15 million, he further …

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