• An Entrepreneur writes on Contextualizing Africapitalism and Why the African Youth must take Ownership

    By Che Azenyui Bruno Africa is the world’s second largest continent in terms of population and the “youngest continent on earth” as more than 60% of its population is below the age of 25. This relatively young and active demographic of the continent present a veritable opportunity for investment in the creation of startup enterprises …

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  • Investing in Africa’s youth is an investment in our collective Future -Elumelu says

    Accra, Ghana November 11, 2019 – The Chairman of United Bank for Africa, Tony. O. Elumelu C.O.N has called on the private sector across Africa to invest in the long-term development of the continent. He stated this as part of his discussion on “Africa’s money for African development – a future beyond aid”, during the Presidential …

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  • What Is Africapitalism?

    “The future we all want for ourselves is one of our own making.” – Tony O. Elumelu, CON Africapitalism is the economic philosophy developed by our Founder and Chairman, Mr. Tony O. Elumelu, CON, and is predicated on the belief that Africa’s private sector can and must play a leading role in the continent’s development. The …

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  • Africapitalism: Rethinking the Role of Business in Africa by Prof. Kenneth Amaeshi

    On behalf of the Tony Elumelu Foundation, Africa’s largest philanthropic organisation committed to empowering African entrepreneurs, it is an honour to be here with you today at the 2nd Chevening Nigeria Alumni Leadership Summit. Africapitalism. A deceptively simple notion, but a powerful one that has the potential to remake a continent, and put Africa on an …

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  • ‘’Africapitalism begins with you!’’ – Riziki Jailos Messa

    With conviction in the philosophy of ‘’Africapitalism’’ and the believe of founder, Tony O. Elumelu that “no one but African can develop them Africa”, Tanzanian entrepreneur and CEO of Jagrin,  Riziki Jailos Messa has offered free finance consultancy services to the TEF 2017 entrepreneurs. Riziki writes on his decision to help: Apart from being an …

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  • Africapitalism: a New Way of Doing Business

    By Kenneth Amaeshi Originally published here The recent sustained attention given to the economic performance of Africa is a sharp departure from the usual negative and patronising representation of the continent in the global media. The old narrative represented a continent riddled by wars, famines, disease and the burdens of poor infrastructure and reckless governments. …

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  • Africapitalism, African Business Leaders and Africa’s Development

    Originally published here What does Africapitalism mean? What can it mean? How can it inform business decisions and government policies? Should business leaders and policymakers in African countries be involved in Africapitalism? Can they tell us their stories? Will they tell us their stories? What will their stories be? This was the main aim of …

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  • landscape

    Africapitalism: Unleashing the Power of Emotions for Africa’s Development?

    Africapitalism – “an economic philosophy that embodies the private sector’s commitment to the economic transformation of Africa through investments that generate both economic prosperity and social wealth” – is an emerging business philosophy from Africa spearheaded by one of the continent’s leading entrepreneurs, Mr Tony Elumelu. From my experience of interacting with business leaders, especially those …

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  • Africapitalism: A Management Idea for Business in Africa?

    By Kenneth Amaeshi & Uwafiokun Idemudia The efforts to rethink the role of business in development, especially in developing countries, have facilitated the emergence of an array of concepts. Africapitalism – i.e. the private sector’s commitment to the socio-economic development of Africa – proposed and championed by Mr. Tony O. Elumelu, is the most recent addition. …

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  • Meet the Entrepreneur With a Dream of Africapitalism

    Originally published on Creative Associates A Young African Leaders Initiative Mandela Washington Fellow will spend six weeks working closely with Creative’s Economic Growth Division, learning from its experts and sharing his unique perspective as a young leader in Zambia. At 22, Njavwa Mutambo is among the youngest of the 1,000 YALI fellows, selected for their positive contributions and innovations in their communities …

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