Alumni stories

  • Temitayo Orekoya standing and holding microphone

    From Passion to Profit: Meet Temitayo, the Swimming Entrepreneur

    A popular saying in Ogun state, South West Nigeria that descendants of Ijebu land do not go swimming may have been true until Tony Elumelu Entrepreneur Temitayo Orekoya (2016) came in contact with the sport. Growing up, Temitayo never had any encounter with sports but rather was seen as a nerd with a gift for …

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  • A Tale of 2 Applications to the TEF programme

    As an undergraduate of the University of Jos, Plateau State, Nigeria, Aaron Ejeme worked as a freelance digital marketing specialist, servicing clients from around Nigeria. Aaron took his skill a step further by subscribing to Global online platforms that helps freelancers get jobs but his experience on these platforms left a bitter taste. The stereotype …

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  • After 3 Attempts, the Safety Chic is a Tony Elumelu Entrepreneur

    The name Ugochi Augusta Obidiegwu may not ring a bell to all but “The Safety Chic” certainly does to those who take Child safety very serious as it should be. The Safety Chic as she is called simply incorporates safety education in child learning. In 2013, Ugochi, who was and is still working as a …

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  • From an Early Start in Trading to Garment Making, Meet Ogenedoroh Udeh

    At Age 14, Oghenedoro Udeh started her first business of sales of plantain chips.  Together with a friend, She made the chips and sold to traders around who inturn retailed this. This she says was the beginning of her entrepreneurial journey which has now gone from trade to fashion. on to Oghenedoro set up Fame design …

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  • Michel Nkuindija: Lessons from my Entrepreneurial Journey

    Growing up Michel Nkuindija was lulled by the tales and legends of Africa and this made his imagination go wild with thoughts hovering around imaginative universes inspired by these tales. Only and as he grew older, he realized that these stories told to us by grandparents were not available in many books, comics and even …

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  • Ishak Kanonya: The Self-Taught Software Developer in the World’s Most Entrepreneurial Country

    Uganda has been ranked as the world’s most entrepreneurial country by Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM), recording the highest youth entrepreneurs with 55.6 per cent of the youth population involved in new or established businesses. In the explanation, some analysts have said Ugandans are opportunists by nature. In other cases, it is because of a high …

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  • Creating Solutions and Fueling Development in Africa; Meet Godwin and Titi Josias

    Entrepreneurs constantly seek to create solutions. From electricity challenge to job creation, these innovative individuals are becoming answers to varying challenges across the continent. Titi Josias Kabore is one of them, tis TEF Entrepreneur from Burkina Faso says he was pushed to entrepreneurship by the realization of how electricity plays a huge role in development. …

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  • Valerio is Driving Social Change and Equipping Job Creators in Equatorial Guinea

    Equatorial Guinea saw very rapid economic growth following the discovery of hydrocarbons in the 1990s. However, since 2014, the protracted fall in global oil prices, combined with the decline in the country’s output, the large budgetary surpluses that financed important investment programs that continue today have been declining. GDP continued to shrink in 2016 and …

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  • Meet the Selected Entrepreneurs

    More than 150,000 Africans from 114 countries worldwide applied to join the 4th ‎cycle of The Tony Elumelu Foundation’s 10-year, $100 million TEF Entrepreneurship Programme. Today, the Foundation announced the African entrepreneurs with the most innovative, high-potential business ideas. Meet all the Tony Elumelu Entrepreneurs here   Submit Cancel Thanks for your feedback!

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  • From Gambia to Nigeria, Mbadibba and Chuma Share Their Experiences on Providing Solutions to the Agriculture Value Chain

    With more than 60% of its 1.166 billion people living in rural areas, Africa’s economy is inherently dependent on agriculture. More than 32% of the continent’s gross domestic product comes from the sector. However, This is reflective of the applications received to date by the Tony Elumelu Foundation, with over 30% of total applications received …

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