Alumni stories

  • WE4A: Meet Some Of The TEF Alumnae Who Will Receive 2nd Stage Funding of Up to €50,000

    Angela Kimani of Ranks Leather Angela Kimani is a 2019 Tony Elumelu Foundation Alumni and Founder of Ranks Leather. Ranks Leather is a leather goods manufacturing and social enterprise company, specialized in making leather footwear and accessories. It is popularly known as ‘The World of Leather’ in Kenya, where the business is located. Angela is …

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  • George Truth

    George Truth on His Life-Changing TEF Experience

    George Truth Chukwudi was driving home one evening in 2015 when a radio jingle caught his attention. The jingle was lively, he recalled, and it was an announcement of Mr Tony O. Elumelu’s plans to empower aspiring and semi-established African entrepreneurs across the African continent through what is now known as the Tony Elumelu Foundation …

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  • Henry Mascot

    Curacel is Addressing Insurance Inclusion in Africa Through Technology

    As of 2019, Africa’s aggregate insurance penetration rate was only 2.78%, compared to the global average insurance penetration rate of 7.23%. This low penetration and adoption of insurance in Africa led Henry Mascot, 2017 TEF Alumnni, to establish Curacel to drive insurance inclusion in emerging markets across the continent. Curacel Systems, an AI-powered claims management …

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  • Kofoworola Oyeleye

    Iyin Creative Is Preserving And Promoting Africa’s Rich Cultural Heritage

    In Nigeria today, priority is placed more on teaching children in English language, as it is the lingua franca of the country. However, this automatically creates a challenge as these children grow into adults who are unable to speak their local dialects and know very little about their cultural heritage. Iyin Creative, an innovative animation …

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  • Olivia Onyemaobi

    Pad-Up Creations is Revolutionising Menstrual Hygiene Management in Africa

    A recent study by UNESCO shows that in Africa, one in every 10 girls misses school when menstruating, mostly because of the inability to afford menstrual products. This has a significant impact on their education and general quality of lives as young girls. Olivia Onyemaobi, 2016 TEF Alumna, is addressing this issue through her business, …

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  • Chibuike Goodnews

    Dochase Is Fast Becoming Africa’s Digital Advertising Backbone

    What had initially started as a sheer love for computing for the fresh University graduate, Chibuike Goodnews, 2015 TEF Alumni and CEO, Dochase, has since grown to become a pan-African data and internet company that facilitates connection between businesses and customers and connects everyday people with products they love, need, and want. Dochase is a …

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  • Edward Neequaye

    Built Accounting Has Impacted Over 5,000 African Businesses

    When asked about his motivation behind the establishment of Built Accounting, 2018 TEF Alumna and Co-founder, Edward Neequaye narrated the story of how he had encountered a large number of young people outside a betting company in a small village of Karaga, in the Northern region of Ghana. “What if these youth can be trained …

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  • Richard Bbaale

    BanaPads Is Making Menstruation Management Affordable And Convenient For Women

    It is no secret that menstruation, is still considered a social taboo in many parts of the world. There is common theme of silence when conversations about the subject come up. As though it is not as natural as breathing. This is challenge inspired Richard Bbaale, a 2016 TEF Alumna from Uganda to create BanaPads. …

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  • Nkem Okocha

    Mama Moni Is Closing The Credit Gap For Low-Income Women

    Nkem Okocha, 2015 TEF Alumnae and Founder of Mama Moni, grew up with a widowed mother who had to raise four children singlehandedly, with no vocational skill or source of income. Living through a childhood where feeding and access to education were major challenges for her family, she was inspired to empower the poor women …

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  • Dare Odumade

    Chekkit Advances In Its Mission To Protect Africa Against Food And Drug Counterfeits

    Africa is currently battling a drug and food counterfeit menace. The World Health Organisation (WHO) released a report that reveals that between 64,000 and 158,000 people die from counterfeit anti-malarial drugs in sub-Saharan Africa per year. Dare Odumade, 2019 TEF Alumna co-founded Chekkit to address this worrisome challenge that plagues the continent. Chekkit is a …

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