Alumni stories

  • Building Covid-19 Ventilators in Africa, for the World

    When Hank Debey applied for the TEF Entrepreneurship Programme in 2015, his mission was to provide affordable air services to African farmers who wanted to increase their profits by transporting their crops to distant, more lucrative markets. Hank went to work on Wings4Farmers, producing aircrafts, called levopters, which didn’t rely on fuels and derived their …

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  • Transforming Poachers into Protectors

    All species on earth, including humans, depend on the services provided by other species to survive. This biological diversity provides the resources necessary to maintain the healthy systems we need to thrive. Harmful activities such as hunting can have serious consequences on the environment since natural ecosystems are interconnected and interdependent. 35-year old Rwandan entrepreneur …

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  • Greenrev

    Greenrev’s Approach to Fighting Malnourishment in Rwanda

    Two years before he launched his enterprise GREENREV GR LTD, Joseph Niyomukiza could not stop thinking of how much more cost-effective food fortification is to vaccinations in preventing or fighting disease. The idea was rooted in the development of his country, Rwanda. Yet, it was not until the Tony Elumelu Entrepreneurship Programme, where he received …

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  • TEF Alumni Che Azenyui Bruno

    Agri-Startup Digifarms Africa Tackles Food Security in Cameroon

    Up until December 2017, it was not very clear to Cameroonian entrepreneur Che Azenyui Bruno what exactly he was going to do to support domestic production and domestic consumption of high-quality agricultural products in Cameroon and Africa as a whole. He was particularly concerned and deeply worried about Africa dependence on imported agricultural products and …

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  • TEF Alumni Dare Odumade

    How Blockchain Startup Chekkit is Saving Lives in Nigeria

    Nigerian-born healthcare enthusiast, Dare Odumade, always had inspirations to create solutions to the planet’s key problems using technology. For such big dreams, the fundamental work was to understand these problems and develop a practical means to address them. Down the line, this interest became more tailored and focused on the problems caused by counterfeit medicines …

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  • TEF Alumni Lalita Purbhoo Junggee

    Lalita Purbhoo Junggee is Reducing Mauritius’ Carbon Footprint with Biodegradable Products

    When Design & Print Co LTD launched in 2011, the big idea was to power large format digital printing in Mauritius. The company, founded by Lalita, would print mainly outdoor advertising: billboards and banners. A few years later, they realized that they had become part of an industry that generates a lot of solid waste. …

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  • TEF Alumni Regis Umugiraneze

    Regis Umugiraneza’s Innovative Idea is Maximizing the Use of Sweet Potatoes in Rwanda

    In his fourth year of studying Agriculture Economics and Agribusiness at the University of Rwanda, Regis Umugiraneza had an idea about sweet potatoes in Rwanda and sub-Saharan Africa. Choosing to go the extra mile, he used his dissertation to interrogate this idea further, and in 2014, he realized he could add value to this crop. Rwanda often experienced …

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  • TEF Alumni Mauricette Kobozo Yadibert

    How Mauricette Kobozo Yadibert is Driving Inclusivity in the Central African Republic

    In 2004, 11-year-old Kobozo Yadibert Mauricette first became aware of the project that would empower her community and later make her a Tony Elumelu Entrepreneur with her enterprise, WA NZIN A GA ZO. Still so young, she got engaged in scouting, which further inspired her desire to foster community-driven work. She challenged himself with tasks …

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  • TEF Alumni Zedilson Almeida

    Zedilson Almeida: Fact Checking Fake News

    From navigating a news application on his phone to transforming how news is consumed. This is the story of Angolan entrepreneur Zedilson, who found himself in a thinking spot in 2014, having just returned from the United States. His reflections were on how people within the media landscape in Angola engage with news and the …

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  • Taking the Leap into Entrepreneurship

    with Botswana entrepreneur Nametso Matlhaga Every entrepreneur is familiar with the feeling of trepidation just before taking the leap to begin a new business or become an entrepreneur: Do I have what it takes? Is it worth it? How do I start? Getting through this stage usually requires validating ideas and exploring to understand more …

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