• Creating Solutions and Fueling Development in Africa; Meet Godwin and Titi Josias

    Entrepreneurs constantly seek to create solutions. From electricity challenge to job creation, these innovative individuals are becoming answers to varying challenges across the continent. Titi Josias Kabore is one of them, tis TEF Entrepreneur from Burkina Faso says he was pushed to entrepreneurship by the realization of how electricity plays a huge role in development. …

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  • Valerio is Driving Social Change and Equipping Job Creators in Equatorial Guinea

    Equatorial Guinea saw very rapid economic growth following the discovery of hydrocarbons in the 1990s. However, since 2014, the protracted fall in global oil prices, combined with the decline in the country’s output, the large budgetary surpluses that financed important investment programs that continue today have been declining. GDP continued to shrink in 2016 and …

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  • From Gambia to Nigeria, Mbadibba and Chuma Share Their Experiences on Providing Solutions to the Agriculture Value Chain

    With more than 60% of its 1.166 billion people living in rural areas, Africa’s economy is inherently dependent on agriculture. More than 32% of the continent’s gross domestic product comes from the sector. However, This is reflective of the applications received to date by the Tony Elumelu Foundation, with over 30% of total applications received …

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  • Chris Kwekowe is Tackling Unemployment and Talent Management with Slatecube

    Chris Kwekowe is not your regular 24 year old! At 19, this Tony Elumelu Entrepreneur alongside his brother founded Microbold, a company focusedon providing  business solutions for SMEs and large scale enterprises, offering an extensively innovative approach towards providing technology solutions for business, education, family and even technology enthusiast. However, Microbold is not what rings …

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  • Ifedayo Durosinmi-Etti is Shaping her world through Parliamo Bambini

    This week in Davos, Switzerland, the 48th World Economic Forum Annual Meeting gathered global leaders and players to discuss and develop a shared narrative to improve the state of the world.  Beyond the annual summit by WEF, the WEF also seeks to replicate change through hubs across the world via the Global Shapers Community, a …

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  • Maureen Ideozu is on a Path to Improving Export Policy

    Government policies have a tremendous effect on a country’s ability to be competitive, yet not many governments in developing nations have the necessary resources to develop investment-friendly policies that will trigger economic growth. This can be one of the biggest barriers to the sustainable growth of a high-quality private sector. Recognizing this reality, The Tony …

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  • On Track to Impact 1 million Agropreneurs – Meet Ayodeji Balogun of AFEX

    With an early start to trading, Ayodeji Balogun started learning trade and business operations as a teenager through his family business. At thirteen he consummated his first business venture, a transaction which at today’s value is worth $4,000 and managing his family owned commodities trading business with turnover in excess of USD15 million, he further …

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  • Oluseun Onigbinde: Driving Public Service Accountability Through BudgIT

    Iwoye-Ilogbo, a small village, approximately 60km from the Lagos, Nigeria’s commercial capital, desperately needed help. 429 children in Iwoye-Ilogbo in sweltering heat huddle in two classrooms to take their daily lessons. Afraid of vandals and thieves in an insecure environment, they mount their furniture on their heads in the morning from the homes and also …

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  • Bilikiss Adebiyi-Abiola is Cascading Impact Across the Environment.

    After 13 years in the US; with university degrees, an MBA from Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIT, and work experience from Fortune 500 companies, one would expect Bilikiss Adebiyi-Abiola to continue in that line but she did the unexpected. She returned home to Nigeria to co-found a waste recycling company, Wecyclers, and her vision is …

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  • Oladunmade Otitoola is Connecting Event Space Owners to Customers Through RentYourHall

    First featured on Nigeria Business Communities Oladunmade Otitoola, an entrepreneur and beneficiary of the Tony Elumelu Entrepreneurship Program in 2016, is founder of RentYourHall, Nigeria. He answers questions on development of the startup company. Tell us a bit about RentYourHall. RentYourHall is an online platform that connects event space owners/managers to prospective customers, enabling the customers …

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