• Tony Elumelu Entrepreneurs at TEF Forum 2017

    TEF and DEG Partner to Empower 200 Additional Entrepreneurs Across Africa

    The Tony Elumelu Foundation (TEF), Africa’s leading philanthropy empowering young African entrepreneurs from all 54 African countries, has partnered with DEG, the German development financial institution supporting the private sector in emerging-market countries, to empower an additional 200 entrepreneurs across Africa. The initiative will fund 200 additional young African entrepreneurs complementing the US$100M Tony Elumelu …

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  • Cover of TEFConnect Africa Day Initiative

    #TEFConnectAfrica50: 50 Entrepreneurs to Connect with in Africa!

    The biggest story of the last year has undoubtedly been the novel coronavirus and, irreversibly, its effect on the economy. However, entrepreneurs in Africa have remained committed to their vision to reshape the narrative of Africa while ensuring the best possible future. From businesses to social enterprises, African entrepreneurs across the continent are undeniably making …

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  • TEF Founder, Tony Elumelu Live on Arise News

    “Everything We Do is About Impacting Lives and Transforming our Society,” Tony Elumelu Says on AriseTV’s “The Morning Show”

    On Wednesday, May 5, 2021, Founder of the Tony Elumelu Foundation, Tony O. Elumelu(CON), was live on AriseTV’s The Morning Show where he discussed business, economy and investments in Africa, corporate governance and gender inclusion and equality. Here are some impactful quotes from the conversation: On Business: To a large extent, my mum played a …

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  • Stanford report cover

    Tony Elumelu Foundation Partners with Stanford University to release study on African Entrepreneurs

    New research on African entrepreneurs by the Tony Elumelu Foundation in partnership with Stanford University reveals insights into the divergent cultural factors that influence the entrepreneurial journey (of women especially) in Africa. The conclusions point to some patterns and qualities that favour entrepreneurial success, offering lessons in entrepreneurship in Africa and beyond. Here are key insights from …

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  • TEF features Guest Speaker, Kasarachi Innocent, on the launch of its TEF IMPACT SERIES

    TEF features Guest Speaker, Kasarachi Innocent, on the launch of its TEF IMPACT SERIES

    Earlier today, Wednesday, April 21, the Tony Elumelu Foundation (TEF) launched its first Impact series, dedicated to spotlighting exciting, inspiring stories by featuring unique changemakers in different fields. The first guest at the event themed “Resilience in Entrepreneurship”, Kasarachi Innocent, shared valuable tips on building a successful lasting enterprise. Kasarachi is the founder and CEO, …

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  • Tony Elumelu


    UMA CARTA DO FUNDADOR, A FUNDAÇÃO TONY ELUMELU Em 2020, o mundo parou, mas nós não. Quando lançamos a Fundação Tony Elumelu em 2010, fizemos algo novo na África – “democratizamos” a sorte. Em minha própria jornada empresarial, eu sabia que a sorte tinha desempenhado um papel importante e estava determinado a que outros, muitos …

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  • Tony Elumelu


    UNE LETTRE DU FONDATEUR, DE LA FONDATION TONY ELUMELU En 2020, le monde s’est arrêté, mais pas nous. Quand nous avons lancé la Fondation Tony Elumelu en 2010, nous avons fait quelque chose de nouveau en Afrique – nous “avons démocratisé” la chance. Dans mon propre parcours entrepreneurial, j’ai su que la chance avait joué …

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  • Tony Elumelu

    قوة ريادة الأعمال وسط عدم اليقين

    رسالة من المؤسس ، مؤسسة توني إلوميلو في عام 2020 ، توقف العالم ، لكننا لم نفعل ذلك. عندما أطلقنا مؤسسة توني إلوميلو في عام 2010 ، فعلنا شيئا جديدا في أفريقيا – لقد “دمقرطة” الحظ. في رحلتي الريادية الخاصة ، كنت أعرف أن الحظ لعب دورا مهما ، وكنت مصمما على أن الآخرين ، …

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  • TEF CEO Ifeyinwa Ugochukwu Delivers Keynote at the Impact Africa Social Entrepreneurship Summit

    On Thursday, March 25, 2021, the CEO of the Tony Elumelu Foundation, Ifeyinwa Ugochukwu presented the keynote at Day 1 of the Impact Africa Social Entrepreneurship Summit, a partnership between the British Council and Ashoka Africa to accelerate innovative solutions to Africa’s most pressing challenges. At the event, she also discussed entrepreneurship with a focus …

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  • Tony Elumelu

    Tony Elumelu Foundation Releases 2020 Annual Letter

    Delivers significant impact amidst COVID-19 pandemic Lagos, March 2021 – The Tony Elumelu Foundation (TEF), Africa’s leading philanthropy committed to empowering African entrepreneurs, has released its 2020 Annual Letter titled “THE POWER OF ENTREPRENEURSHIP AMIDST UNCERTAINTY”. The report, which was delivered in the form of a personal letter from TEF Founder, Mr. Tony O. Elumelu …

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