• Challenges and Opportunities of Incubators in West Africa

    This guide is intended to make you understand the work of entrepreneurship support structures that are building, brick by brick, the foundations of the West African entrepreneurial ecosystem, inpartnership with other existing stakeholders. From Dakar to Lagos, from Ouagadougou to Accra, you will discover these key players in Africa’s economic development. These institutions are passionatelysupporting …

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  • The Tony Elumelu Foundation Impact Report (2018)

    This report records the Foundation’s role and impact in catalysing entrepreneurship on the African continent from 2010 – 2015. “When the Tony Elumelu Foundation launched in 2010, the philanthropic sector in Africa could best be described as fragmented. Nigeria, for example, lacked any legislation to regulate the activities of charitable organisations, meaning that there was …

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  • Africapitalism: Rethinking the Role of Business in Africa by Prof. Kenneth Amaeshi

    On behalf of the Tony Elumelu Foundation, Africa’s largest philanthropic organisation committed to empowering African entrepreneurs, it is an honour to be here with you today at the 2nd Chevening Nigeria Alumni Leadership Summit. Africapitalism. A deceptively simple notion, but a powerful one that has the potential to remake a continent, and put Africa on an …

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  • Africapitalism: a New Way of Doing Business

    By Kenneth Amaeshi Originally published here The recent sustained attention given to the economic performance of Africa is a sharp departure from the usual negative and patronising representation of the continent in the global media. The old narrative represented a continent riddled by wars, famines, disease and the burdens of poor infrastructure and reckless governments. …

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  • Why Africa Needs Capitalism That is Aligned With its Development Needs

    Originally published here Africans have long engaged in capitalist economic transactions. But the type of capitalism introduced by colonialists has not always been aligned with the needs of Africans. It remains overly informed and driven by agendas set outside the continent. These agendas primarily see Africa as a market for exploitation and are obsessed by the …

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  • Africapitalism, African Business Leaders and Africa’s Development

    Originally published here What does Africapitalism mean? What can it mean? How can it inform business decisions and government policies? Should business leaders and policymakers in African countries be involved in Africapitalism? Can they tell us their stories? Will they tell us their stories? What will their stories be? This was the main aim of …

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  • landscape

    Africapitalism: Unleashing the Power of Emotions for Africa’s Development?

    Africapitalism – “an economic philosophy that embodies the private sector’s commitment to the economic transformation of Africa through investments that generate both economic prosperity and social wealth” – is an emerging business philosophy from Africa spearheaded by one of the continent’s leading entrepreneurs, Mr Tony Elumelu. From my experience of interacting with business leaders, especially those …

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  • Africapitalism: Capitalism With African Values

    By África M. Arino Originally published here Africapitalism is not a play on words: it’s an economic philosophy developed by Tony Elumelu, a Nigerian visionary entrepreneur and philanthropist. His philosophy represents the private sector’s commitment to the economic transformation of Africa through long-term investment that generates both economic prosperity and social value. The Tony Elumelu Foundation promotes this philosophy through the Africapitalism Institute, …

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  • A New Economic Philosophy for Africa

    By Kenneth Amaeshi First published here Professor Kenneth Amaeshi writes about why Africa needs society-minded entrepreneurs, not glitzy projects, and how the economic philosophy of Africapitalism can guide the way There is a growing interest in entrepreneurs as the solution to contemporary global challenges—climate change, poverty, and disease. This view of entrepreneurs is also awash …

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  • Africapitalism: A Management Idea for Business in Africa?

    By Kenneth Amaeshi & Uwafiokun Idemudia The efforts to rethink the role of business in development, especially in developing countries, have facilitated the emergence of an array of concepts. Africapitalism – i.e. the private sector’s commitment to the socio-economic development of Africa – proposed and championed by Mr. Tony O. Elumelu, is the most recent addition. …

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