East Africa

Meet the Entrepreneur Connecting Kenyans to Healthy food
When Binti Mwallau started Hasanat Ventures, her dairy processing company in Kenya, she expected some resistance from her peers in an industry

Playing the Long Game: An Africa Beyond Aid
Africa’s population, which currently has the majority between 15 and 24, is expected to double by 2045 according to the African Development

Greenrev’s Approach to Fighting Malnourishment in Rwanda
Two years before he launched his enterprise GREENREV GR LTD, Joseph Niyomukiza could not stop thinking of how much more cost-effective food

Lalita Purbhoo Junggee is Reducing Mauritius’ Carbon Footprint with Biodegradable Products
When Design & Print Co LTD launched in 2011, the big idea was to power large format digital printing in Mauritius. The

Regis Umugiraneza’s Innovative Idea is Maximizing the Use of Sweet Potatoes in Rwanda
In his fourth year of studying Agriculture Economics and Agribusiness at the University of Rwanda, Regis Umugiraneza had an idea about sweet potatoes in

“Perseverance is one of the key elements for running a business,” – Paul Nyambe
It’s All about a Long-term View If success is the goal, then it can be said that perseverance is the engine. Few
PREVISUALIZAR O Programa de Empreendedorismo da Fundação Tony Elumelu é um compromisso de 100 milhões de dólares assumido pela família Elumelu para capacitar 10.000

Belgium Confers Highest National Honour on African Philanthropist, Tony Elumelu
The Kingdom of Belgium has conferred the honorary distinction of Officer in the Order of Leopold, the country’s oldest and most important

Le Programme des Nations Unies pour le développement et la Fondation Tony Elumelu (TEF) annoncent un programme de relance pour le Mali destiné à l’autonomisation de 10000 jeunes entrepreneurs maliens
– Le Programme Entrepreneurial TEF-PNUD Mali tire parti du savoir-faire du Programme entrepreneurial panafricain de la Fondation Tony Elumelu qui a pour
Tony Elumelu Foundation (TEF) and UNDP Announce Recovery Programme for Mali. Opens Applications to Empower 10,000 Young Malian Entrepreneurs
Cliquez ici pour la version française The TEF-UNDP Mali Entrepreneurship Programme leverages the Pan-African Tony Elumelu Foundation Entrepreneurship Programme knowhow and process
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