• ONE et la Fondation Tony Elumelu annoncent un nouveau partenariat

    LAGOS, NIGERIA, January 29th 2014 – LAGOS, NIGERIA – As part of the campaign for inclusive economic growth in Africa, ONE and The Tony Elumelu Foundation announced a strategic partnership today to push political leaders in Nigeria to support public investments in agriculture, healthcare, and energy that will unlock substantial investments in these key sectors.  The partnership aims …

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  • Dr Saeed Jumah : lauréat 2013 du Prix Tony Elumelu pour les entreprises

    Le Dr Saeed Jumah est le récipiendaire du Prix Tony Elumelu pour les affaires 2013 présenté lors des Future Awards 2013 qui se tiennent à Port Harcourt, au Nigeria. Ce prix fait partie de l'engagement de M. Elumelu, par l'intermédiaire de la Fondation Tony Elumelu, à identifier et à soutenir les entrepreneurs dont les entreprises génèrent un impact social durable pour leurs communautés. Dans …

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  • Les candidatures sont désormais ouvertes pour le programme Elumelu Professionals 2014

    Are you an MBA or MPA student passionate about emerging markets? Do you have broad experience in marketing, finance, strategy, or policy analysis? Are you interested in creating lasting impact within a developing economy? The Tony Elumelu Foundation offers a three month engaging internship that may be right for you.

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  • Le directeur de Heirs Holdings nommé au conseil d’administration du Global Impact Investing Network

    Sam Nwanze becomes first African board member Lagos, Nigeria, 25 November 2013 – In a unanimous decision, the board of the Global Impact Investing Network (GIIN), a global non-profit organisation dedicated to increasing the scale and effectiveness of impact investing around the world, has appointed investor Sam Nwanze as its first African member. Nwanze, who is the …

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  • African Exchange Holdings offre un système de reçus

    Nigerian warehouse receipts system shows technical superiority in the region ABUJA, NIGERIA, 18 November 2013 – Today, the Nigerian Strategic Grain Reserve (SGR) and Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (FMARD) conducted a technical walkthrough of a pioneering electronic warehouse receipt platform deployed by Africa Exchange Holdings (AFEX), which enables Nigerian farmers, cooperatives and …

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  • EAX conclut la première vente aux enchères commerciale régionale de maïs sur la plateforme NASDAQ

    Kigali, 31 October 2013 – On Thursday, October 31, the recently operational East Africa Exchange (EAX) concluded the first regional trade auction from its Rwanda head office, successfully selling 50 metric tons of maize at 398 USD per metric ton between a Ugandan seller and Rwanda buyer. The auction took EAX one step closer to …

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  • La philanthropie dans une économie mondiale en mutation

    In 2010, leading African businessman Tony Elumelu set up the foundation that bears his name. Africa-based and African-funded, its principal focus is on strengthening the private sector across the continent, as he explains to Caroline Hartnell of Alliance Magazine. [wpfilebase tag=file id=2 tpl=simple /] Submit Cancel Thanks for your feedback!

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  • Lancement d’une plateforme dédiée à l’Africapitalisme sur AllAfrica.com

    Lagos, 29 octobre 2013 – AllAfrica.com, la principale source d'informations africaines, a ajouté une section sur son site Web qui sera consacrée à l'Africapitalisme – une philosophie économique présentée comme la solution pour le développement de l'Afrique. La section présentera des opinions, des analyses et de nouvelles perspectives qui stimuleront le débat autour du postulat de l'Africapitalisme selon lequel le secteur privé…

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  • La Fondation Iftiin s'associe à la Fondation américaine Tony Elumelu pour transformer la Somalie post-conflit

    The Somali foundation, which received a grant from The Tony Elumelu Foundation, recently held the first Generation Change Summit in Mogadishu, where ninety youth activists and entrepreneurs came together to discuss the role of youth in changing a post-conflict society for the better. [wpfilebase tag=file id=1 tpl=simple /] Submit Cancel Thanks for your feedback!

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  • Tony Elumelu reconnu pour son leadership en matière d'affaires et de philanthropie

    New York, 21 September 2013 – On the eve of his departure to New York, where he will be speaking at the United Nations Millennium Development Goals (UN MDG) Success Event and the Clinton Global Initiative (CGI) Annual Meeting, the UK based publishers of African Business Magazine announced that global business leader Tony O. Elumelu, …

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