Winning Wednesday with Nassima Hofra
It’s Winning Wednesday again and this week, we caught up with Tony Elumelu Entrepreneur, Nassima Hofra from Algeria. Nassima is the CEO of Tepropack, a company that manufactures plastic packaging, designed for household detergents and auto maintenance products. Nassima, just like her fellow Tony Elumelu Entrepreneurs, attended the Bootcamp in 2015 where she made key connections for her business and is still practising all she learnt during the intense 12 weeks of training.
Meet Nassima
TEF: How does your company help your community?
NH: For Tepropack, our focus is to empower people in the workforce, help employees to develop themselves for a better life by becoming a better serving individuals in their various careers and the community at large. We believe in the empowerment in the work place.
TEF: What was the feeling like when you were selected to participate in the TEF Entrepreneurship programme?
NH: Wow! I felt lucky to participate, and still feel very proud to be part of such a wonderful community. I learnt a lot of from other Africans at the Bootcamp where I made some friends, as well as during the Mentor Learning programme.
The programme opened my eyes to Africa’s potential in developing enterprises and the opportunities that can make a better living for our families, continent and the world at large.