Arquivos do autor: Joshua Praise

  • Africapitalismo, Líderes Empresariais Africanos e Desenvolvimento de África

    Originally published here What does Africapitalism mean? What can it mean? How can it inform business decisions and government policies? Should business leaders and policymakers in African countries be involved in Africapitalism? Can they tell us their stories? Will they tell us their stories? What will their stories be? This was the main aim of …

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  • paisagem

    Africapitalismo: Libertar o poder das emoções para o desenvolvimento de África?

    Africapitalism – “an economic philosophy that embodies the private sector’s commitment to the economic transformation of Africa through investments that generate both economic prosperity and social wealth” – is an emerging business philosophy from Africa spearheaded by one of the continent’s leading entrepreneurs, Mr Tony Elumelu. From my experience of interacting with business leaders, especially those …

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  • Africapitalismo: Capitalismo com Valores Africanos

    By África M. Arino Originally published here Africapitalism is not a play on words: it’s an economic philosophy developed by Tony Elumelu, a Nigerian visionary entrepreneur and philanthropist. His philosophy represents the private sector’s commitment to the economic transformation of Africa through long-term investment that generates both economic prosperity and social value. The Tony Elumelu Foundation promotes this philosophy through the Africapitalism Institute, …

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  • Uma Nova Filosofia Económica para África

    By Kenneth Amaeshi First published here Professor Kenneth Amaeshi writes about why Africa needs society-minded entrepreneurs, not glitzy projects, and how the economic philosophy of Africapitalism can guide the way There is a growing interest in entrepreneurs as the solution to contemporary global challenges—climate change, poverty, and disease. This view of entrepreneurs is also awash …

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  • Africapitalismo: uma ideia de gestão para os negócios em África?

    By Kenneth Amaeshi & Uwafiokun Idemudia The efforts to rethink the role of business in development, especially in developing countries, have facilitated the emergence of an array of concepts. Africapitalism – i.e. the private sector’s commitment to the socio-economic development of Africa – proposed and championed by Mr. Tony O. Elumelu, is the most recent addition. …

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  • Mentor do TEF, Kent Ford nos conduz em sua jornada de empreendedorismo e mentoria

    Entrepreneurs are made not born. It is part of a deeply held cultural belief that the qualities that make up entrepreneurs, like creativity, ingenuity, and passion, are the result of innate personal qualities. Although there is some truth to this, it is not the whole story. In fact, belief in this half-story may be the reason …

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  • Mavis Nduchwa Tony Elumelu Entrepreneur

    Quão lucrativa pode ser a agricultura? Conheça Mavis Nduchwa

    Desde um estudo de graduação em imóveis e hotelaria até uma carreira como apresentador de TV e agora agricultor, Mavis Nduchwa, 34 anos, do Botswana, ocupou vários cargos. Ela começou cedo sua jornada para o empreendedorismo desde o ensino médio, onde vendia doces para colegas, ajudava os alunos a escrever suas redações e cartas para…

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  • Capacitar a Juventude Africana, afirmou Elumelu na Cimeira de Obama

    African philanthropist and investor, Tony O. Elumelu, joined other global civic leaders at the inaugural Summit organised by the Obama Foundation to discuss innovative ideas and creative solutions to solve the world’s most challenging social problems. The two-day immersive event, which held October 31 – November 1, 2017 in Chicago, United States, inspired and empowered participants to …

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  • Edward Mbogo

    MyRide Africa: onde a tecnologia encontra Matatu

    No Quênia, os matatu (ou matatus) são microônibus de propriedade privada. Muitas vezes decorados, muitos matatu apresentam retratos de pessoas famosas ou slogans e ditados. Da mesma forma, a música que tocam também visa atrair rapidamente os passageiros. Esses microônibus percorrem rotas definidas, partem de terminais e são usados para viagens entre cidades e dentro da cidade. Uma organização está mudando...

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  • Fundação Tony Elumelu participará da De Beers Diamond Conference

    CEO, PARMINDER VIR TO SPEAK ON THE HOW TEF IS CHANGING THE LANDSCAPE OF ENTREPRENEURSHIP ACROSS AFRICA TEF TO HOST ENTREPRENEURSHIP ECOSYSTEM STAKEHOLDERS IN BOTSWANA Lagos, Nigeria, October 26, 2017 – The Tony Elumelu Foundation (TEF) today announced its Chief Executive Officer Ms. Parminder Vir OBE speak at the De Beers Diamond Conference to be held …

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Concordo com a Política de Privacidade actualizada. Compreendo que a utilização dos meus dados pessoais pela Fundação Tony Elumelu será feita de acordo com a Política de Privacidade actualizada.