Arquivos do autor: Joshua Praise

  • A Fundação Tony Elumelu faz parceria com o governo dos EUA em “Beyond the Grid” – uma nova iniciativa Power Africa

    As a partner, the Tony Elumelu Foundation has committed to a financial investment over the next five years to seed and scale distributed energy solutions across the continent. As a result will in turn enhance homes, businesses, schools and improve the livelihoods of Africans in Africa. Other partners of Beyond the Grid include the United Nations Foundation, …

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  • Vencedor do Prêmio Tony Elumelu em Negócios de 2013, Dr. Saeed Jumah, lança segundo livro educacional odontológico infantil

    Dr. Saeed Jumah, fondly known as “Dr. Smyls” to many has taken another laudable step towards creating dental and oral hygiene awareness in Nigeria with the launch of the second book in his children’s book series-Toothie and Friends-a fun illustrated book for children about dental health and hygiene. Recipient of the 2013 Tony Elumelu Prize …

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  • Fundação Tony Elumelu: Apoiar o Empreendedorismo, Transformar África

    [youtube][/youtube] With African economies on the rise, The Tony Elumelu Foundation is committed to supporting African entrepreneurs as a tool to transform the continent. Africa’s story is changing and the foundation is working to ensure that it becomes and remains and story of growth, possibility and socio-economic transformation for all. Submit Cancel Thanks for your …

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  • Tony Elumelu, Michael Porter e David Rice no Shared Value Initiative Summit em Nova York

    Tony Elumelu, Michael Porter e David Rice na Cúpula da Iniciativa de Valor Compartilhado em Nova York David Rice lançou o Instituto Africapitalism na Cúpula da Iniciativa de Valor Compartilhado em Nova York Enviar Cancelar Obrigado pelo seu feedback!

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  • Apoiando o Empreendedorismo. Transformando a África

    [youtube][/youtube] Submit Cancel Thanks for your feedback!

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  • A Fundação Tony Elumelu lança o Instituto Africapitalism

    Grupo de reflexão pan-africano concentrar-se-á em desbloquear e promover oportunidades económicas em África Abuja, 8 de Maio de 2014 – Tony O. Elumelu, CON, presidente da Heirs Holdings e fundador da Fundação Tony Elumelu, anunciou hoje o lançamento do Instituto Africapitalism em o Fórum Económico Mundial sobre África, em Abuja, Nigéria. Africapitalismo – o…

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  • Nigéria – aberta para negócios e cheia de oportunidades

    Businessmen around the world are always looking for new global markets for investments. Relatively quietly, Nigeria has become an attractive market for American businesses. In fact, it’s the largest and most important market in Africa and one of the more exciting emerging markets in which to invest. With a population of approximately 180 million (twice …

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  • Tony Elumelu: Valor Compartilhado Sinônimo de Africapitalismo

    Por: Michelle Morgan... | Senior Manager, Communications at Shared Value Initiative | 15 de abril de 2014 Na nova série, Leading Shared Value: Personal Reflections from Global Practitioners, a Shared Value Initiative fala com líderes globais que estão a conduzir a estratégia de valor partilhado na sua organização. Hoje entrevistamos Tony O. Elumelu, Presidente da Heirs Holdings. O Sr. Elumelu falará no evento Shared ...

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  • Tony Elumelu discursa na Assembleia Geral da ONU

    One of Africa’s most visionary investors speaks about the importance of jobs, power and partnerships in the post-2015 development agenda UN Headquarters, New York, NY NEW YORK, 9 April – On Wednesday, April 9, the UN General Assembly and Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) hosted the opening session of the 2014 Forum on Partnerships, entitled “The Role …

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  • Tony Elumelu: Fazer parte da solução e da promessa para África!

    April 7, 2014, marked a historic day for Nigeria, with the rebasing of our GDP to nearly $500 billion. This new figure makes us the largest economy in Africa and the 26th larget in the world. Not only has Nigeria overtaken South Africa as Africa’s largest economy, but we are now on par with Poland …

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