Arquivos do autor: Joshua Praise

  • Diretor da Heirs Holdings nomeado para o conselho da Global Impact Investing Network

    Sam Nwanze becomes first African board member Lagos, Nigeria, 25 November 2013 – In a unanimous decision, the board of the Global Impact Investing Network (GIIN), a global non-profit organisation dedicated to increasing the scale and effectiveness of impact investing around the world, has appointed investor Sam Nwanze as its first African member. Nwanze, who is the …

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  • Africapitalismo: não apenas um ganho do sector privado

    No This Day da semana passada, o respeitado jornalista Kayode Komolafe destacou o Africapitalismo, uma filosofia económica que está a ganhar atenção em África e noutros centros importantes em todo o mundo. É essencialmente um apelo ao sector privado para liderar o desenvolvimento de África através de investimentos a longo prazo em sectores estratégicos que podem criar…

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  • Como os recursos naturais de África podem impulsionar a revolução industrial

    (CNN) — The economic performance of Africa in the last few years has been remarkable. The continent has consistently defied the global trend. Five years after the global financial system came perilously close to collapse, the global economic outlook is still uncertain. In Europe, GDP is still below pre-crisis levels and unemployment is at a …

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  • Cimeira Forbes 400: Tony Elumelu aborda as questões mais graves de África

    The Nigerian [economist and] philanthropist discusses resolving Africa’s dire lack of security, as well as the most commonly held misconceptions of the world’s second-largest continent and its people. Submit Cancel Thanks for your feedback!

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  • African Exchange Holdings oferece sistema de recibos

    Nigerian warehouse receipts system shows technical superiority in the region ABUJA, NIGERIA, 18 November 2013 – Today, the Nigerian Strategic Grain Reserve (SGR) and Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (FMARD) conducted a technical walkthrough of a pioneering electronic warehouse receipt platform deployed by Africa Exchange Holdings (AFEX), which enables Nigerian farmers, cooperatives and …

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  • EAX conclui primeiro leilão comercial regional de milho na plataforma NASDAQ

    Kigali, 31 October 2013 – On Thursday, October 31, the recently operational East Africa Exchange (EAX) concluded the first regional trade auction from its Rwanda head office, successfully selling 50 metric tons of maize at 398 USD per metric ton between a Ugandan seller and Rwanda buyer. The auction took EAX one step closer to …

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  • Filantropia numa economia mundial em mudança

    In 2010, leading African businessman Tony Elumelu set up the foundation that bears his name. Africa-based and African-funded, its principal focus is on strengthening the private sector across the continent, as he explains to Caroline Hartnell of Alliance Magazine. [wpfilebase tag=file id=2 tpl=simple /] Submit Cancel Thanks for your feedback!

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  • Plataforma dedicada ao Africapitalism é lançada em

    Lagos, 29 de Outubro de 2013-, a principal fonte de notícias africanas, adicionou uma secção ao seu website que será dedicada ao Africapitalismo – uma filosofia económica que é apontada como a solução para o desenvolvimento de África. A secção apresentará opiniões, análises e novas perspectivas que estimularão o debate em torno da premissa do Africapitalismo de que o setor privado…

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  • DIREITO DE RESPOSTA - Re: Áfricacapitalismo ou África Capitalista

    Kayode Komolafe’s dissection of Africapitalism  in his ‘THE HORIZON’ column of THISDAY of October 23, 2014 as espoused by our own Tony Elumelu makes an interesting reading. It was a beautiful rendition from a cerebral mind. But unfortunately, his analytical depths of what constitutes Africapitalism qualify for a necessary, but certainly not sufficient condition for …

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  • Embaixador da Nigéria nos Estados Unidos da América, Emb. Adebowale Adefuye; Vice-presidente executiva, Overseas Private Investment Corporation, Sra. Mimi Alemayehou e presidente, Heirs Holdings, Tony Elumelu

    Embaixador da Nigéria nos Estados Unidos da América, Emb. Adebowale Adefuye; Vice-presidente executiva, Overseas Private Investment Corporation, Sra. Mimi Alemayehou e presidente, Heirs Holdings, Tony Elumelu Enviar Cancelar Obrigado pelo seu feedback!

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