• Lino Munionio: prosperando diante da adversidade

    Pequenos Começos Influenciado pelas condições de vida das pessoas do seu ambiente imediato, Lino Munionio sempre desejou melhorar a vida dos cidadãos da República Democrática do Congo. Crescendo em uma cidade chamada Kalemie e sendo o caçula de quatro filhos, ele se envolveu em inúmeras atividades que incluíam escrever…

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  • “O futuro de África está nas mãos dos africanos.” – Tony O. Elumelu no Fórum TEF 2018

    “Entrepreneurship is the Key to Unlocking Economic Development on Our Continent,” Tony Elumelu Says at the Largest Annual Gathering of African Entrepreneurs, The Tony Elumelu Foundation Entrepreneurship Forum   Thursday, October 25, 2018: 5,000 African entrepreneurs, private and public sector leaders and the broader entrepreneurship ecosystem convened in Lagos on Thursday, October 25, 2018 for the annual …

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  • Fórum de Empreendedorismo TEF 2018: 7 momentos mais memoráveis

    The TEF Entrepreneurship Forum 2018 took place at the Balmoral Event Centre, Federal Palace Hotel, Lagos. The event brought entrepreneurs, guests, investors and dignitaries together under one roof to mark the fourth year of the Tony Elumelu Foundation Entrepreneurship Programme and celebrate African entrepreneurs doing incredible things in their respective countries and sectors. Here are …

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  • O futuro de África está nas mãos dos africanos

    “Entrepreneurship is the Key to Unlocking Economic Development on Our Continent,” Tony Elumelu Says at the Largest Annual Gathering of African Entrepreneurs, The Tony Elumelu Foundation Entrepreneurship Forum Thursday, October 25, 2018: 5,000 African entrepreneurs, private and public sector leaders and the broader entrepreneurship ecosystem convened in Lagos on Thursday, October 25, 2018 for the …

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  • Destaques: Fórum de Empreendedorismo Tony Elumelu

    As the fourth edition of the Tony Elumelu Foundation (TEF) Entrepreneurship Forum comes to an end, we reflect on the engaging and exciting activities that again positioned this forum as the largest gathering of African entrepreneurs. This year’s forum treated African entrepreneurs, guests and other important dignitaries, to an experience of a lifetime. These are …

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  • Conheça os 210 empreendedores adicionais de Tony Elumelu, patrocinados pela GIZ

    GIZ will support the Tony Elumelu Foundation Entrepreneurship Programme to empower 210 additional entrepreneurs. Click HERE to view the full list of beneficiaries. Submit Cancel Thanks for your feedback!

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  • 10 empreendedores exemplares do TEF que você deve conhecer

    In the four years that the Tony Elumelu Foundation has run the TEF Entrepreneurship Programme, we have produced 4,470 African entrepreneurs armed with the tools they need to thrive in the African business ecosystem. At the TEF Forum 2018, taking place at the Federal Palace Hotel on the 25th of October one of the major …

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  • 7 razões pelas quais você não pode perder o Fórum TEF 2018

    On the 25th of October 2018, all roads lead to the Federal Palace Hotel, Victoria Island, Lagos as the Tony Elumelu Foundation, Africa’s leading entrepreneurship philanthropy, hosts the fourth edition of the TEF Entrepreneurship Forum: the largest gathering of African entrepreneurs and the larger entrepreneurship ecosystem. This year’s edition will unite over 5,000 entrepreneurs, global …

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  • Jerome Ogu: Contra todas as probabilidades!

    Como produto da Fundação Tony Elumelu, Jerome Ogu (2015, Agricultura) foi equipado com as ferramentas necessárias para levar o seu negócio de criação de bagres a novos horizontes. Com sede em Port Harcourt, Rivers State, jhonyx klassic Sec. contribuições limitadas para o sector agrícola africano através da criação de bagres, processamento de fumo e processamento a seco de bagres para…

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  • Ebere Onyinyechi Ogbonna: Continuando o legado dos grãos

    O Processo de Aprendizagem Ao crescer, Ebere Onyinyechi Ogbonna viu sua mãe investir seu tempo e recursos no negócio de armazenamento de grãos e ter sucesso. Dada a sua introdução precoce ao negócio, não é surpresa que ela tenha decidido abrir um caminho no mesmo setor. Em seu próprio tempo, ela levou as coisas a…

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