• EAX conclui primeiro leilão comercial regional de milho na plataforma NASDAQ

    Kigali, 31 October 2013 – On Thursday, October 31, the recently operational East Africa Exchange (EAX) concluded the first regional trade auction from its Rwanda head office, successfully selling 50 metric tons of maize at 398 USD per metric ton between a Ugandan seller and Rwanda buyer. The auction took EAX one step closer to …

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  • Filantropia numa economia mundial em mudança

    In 2010, leading African businessman Tony Elumelu set up the foundation that bears his name. Africa-based and African-funded, its principal focus is on strengthening the private sector across the continent, as he explains to Caroline Hartnell of Alliance Magazine. [wpfilebase tag=file id=2 tpl=simple /] Submit Cancel Thanks for your feedback!

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  • Plataforma dedicada ao Africapitalism é lançada em AllAfrica.com

    Lagos, 29 de Outubro de 2013- AllAfrica.com, a principal fonte de notícias africanas, adicionou uma secção ao seu website que será dedicada ao Africapitalismo – uma filosofia económica que é apontada como a solução para o desenvolvimento de África. A secção apresentará opiniões, análises e novas perspectivas que estimularão o debate em torno da premissa do Africapitalismo de que o setor privado…

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  • Fundação Iftiin faz parceria com os EUA, Fundação Tony Elumelu para transformar a Somália pós-conflito

    A fundação somali, que recebeu uma subvenção da Fundação Tony Elumelu, realizou recentemente a primeira Cimeira de Mudança de Geração em Mogadíscio, onde noventa jovens activistas e empresários se reuniram para discutir o papel da juventude na mudança para melhor de uma sociedade pós-conflito. [wpfilebase tag=file id=1 tpl=simple /] Enviar Cancelar Obrigado pelo seu feedback!

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  • Tony Elumelu reconhecido pela liderança em negócios e filantropia

    New York, 21 September 2013 – On the eve of his departure to New York, where he will be speaking at the United Nations Millennium Development Goals (UN MDG) Success Event and the Clinton Global Initiative (CGI) Annual Meeting, the UK based publishers of African Business Magazine announced that global business leader Tony O. Elumelu, …

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  • Tony Elumelu reconhecido pela liderança em negócios e filantropia

    New York, 21 September 2013 – On the eve of his departure to New York, where he will be speaking at the United Nations Millennium Development Goals (UN MDG) Success Event and the Clinton Global Initiative (CGI) Annual Meeting, the UK based publishers of African Business Magazine announced that global business leader Tony O. Elumelu, …

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  • Africapitalismo: Colocar o Sector Privado na Linha da Frente do Desenvolvimento Africano

    O Africapitalismo é uma filosofia económica: que o sector privado africano tem o poder de transformar o continente através de investimentos a longo prazo, criando tanto prosperidade económica como riqueza social.

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  • Conselho de Competitividade da Nigéria nomeia banqueiro de investimento líder como CEO inaugural

    ”Council a critical catalyst for transforming Nigeria’s business environment and this appointment is an important step closer to demonstrating that Nigeria is open for business” – President Jonathan. Abuja, Nigeria, September 2013 – President Goodluck Jonathan said Nigeria’s business competitiveness and ability to attract local and international investment will be significantly enhanced with the appointment …

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  • Impulsionar o sector das PME em África

    Small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) are essential to growing African employment and GDP. In high-income countries, SMEs represent a high share of economic activity, a large share of employment, and bring informal business activity into the formal economy. Yet, a severe lack of financing is limiting the ability of African SMEs to grow and …

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  • Os mais brilhantes da UNILAG recebem Prêmio Elumelu

    “With the right support, Nigeria’s young leaders can transform the continent” — Elumelu LAGOS, NIGERIA, 23 April 2013 – Today, three of the most intelligent graduates of the University of Lagos (UNILAG) came closer to achieving their ambitions to make a positive contribution to Africa’s development. In a special convocation ceremony hosted by Professor Rahamon …

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