• Tony O. Elumelu aconselha parceiros de desenvolvimento ocidentais sobre o africapitalismo

    ‘No One Can Develop Africa But Us’ Tony O. Elumelu, C.O.N., Founder of The Tony Elumelu Foundation, in Washington, DC this week, told groups of philanthropy, business, and development leaders that Africa’s private sector must be the leading player in contributing to the continent’s economic transformation. “We are now the world’s fastest growing region,” said …

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  • Co-Creation Hub faz parceria com a Fundação Tony Elumelu para financiar 20 startups nigerianas

    The Tony Elumelu Foundation (TEF), an institution dedicated to the promotion and celebration of excellence in business leadership and entrepreneurship across Africa, is partnering with Co-Creation Hub Nigeria (CcHub), Nigeria’s first open living lab and pre-incubation space dedicated to catalysing creative social technology ventures, in an effort to encourage innovative ideas that could help transform …

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  • Autoridade do Mercado de Capitais do Quénia adere ao programa africano para fomentar talentos

    As part of its objective to nurture talent in Africa, the Capital Markets Authority (CMA) has partnered with The Tony Elumelu Foundation in Nigeria under their African Markets Internship Programme (AMIP) to facilitate the placement of MBA students (Associates) from Business Schools around the world in an internship programme. The programme commences in May 2012. …

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  • Blair e Elumelu lançam Programa de Bolsas Internacionais para fortalecer o sector privado de África e promover o crescimento económico

    Tony O. Elumelu, MFR, and Rt. Hon. Tony Blair were in Freetown on Tuesday to formally kick off the first part of a joint innovative programme aimed at supporting transformational governments in Africa. The Blair Elumelu Fellowship Programme (BEFP) – a partnership between The Tony Elumelu Foundation (TEF) and the Tony Blair Africa Governance Initiative …

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  • Tony O. Elumelu compartilha dicas para o sucesso com graduados da Escola de Finanças e Bancos de Ruanda

    Tony O. Elumelu, MFR, Chairman of Heirs Holdings, an African proprietary investment, and Founder of The Tony Elumelu Foundation, delivered the commencement address at the Rwanda School of Finance and Banking’s (SFB) sixth graduation ceremony on Friday, December 9, 2011. During his keynote speech to the SFB’s largest graduating class to date, Mr. Elumelu fulfilled …

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  • A Fundação Tony Elumelu e o Banco Mundial acolhem organizações filantrópicas financiadas por África

    LAGOS, Nigeria, December 2, 2011 – The Tony Elumelu Foundation (TEF) and World Bank hosted a convening of African-funded philanthropic organisations on Wednesday, November 30, 2011, in Lagos, Nigeria to discuss the continent’s philanthropy landscape. The meeting reviewed the priorities and programs of African-funded foundations, with participants deliberating opportunities for specific collaborations as well as …

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  • Tony O. Elumelu Delivers Keynote Address at 17th Nigerian Economic Summit

    Tony O. Elumelu, MFR, chairman of Heirs Holdings Group, was the keynote speaker at the opening dinner of the 17th Nigerian Economic Summit which began on November 10, 2011 in Abuja. The three-day event was organised by the Nigerian Economic Summit Group with the purpose of attracting foreign investors to the country. Mr. Elumelu, whose …

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  • A Fundação Tony Elumelu comemora seu aniversário de um ano

    Tony O. Elumelu, MFR, chairman of Heirs Holdings Group, was the keynote speaker at the opening dinner of the 17th Nigerian Economic Summit which began on November 10, 2011 in Abuja. The three-day event was organised by the Nigerian Economic Summit Group with the purpose of attracting foreign investors to the country. Mr. Elumelu, whose …

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  • Tony Elumelu Prega Africapitalism™ na África Oriental

    Tony O. Elumelu, Chairman of Heirs Holdings, an African proprietary investment firm committed to the economic transformation of Africa, urged African entrepreneurs and business leaders gathered at the Convergence Africa conference in Nairobi, Kenya on Thursday, December 8, 2011 to grow their businesses across the continent. Widely acknowledged as one of Africa’s most influential business …

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  • Lançamento do Mercado da Diáspora Africana II

    Western Union and USAID in collaboration with The Tony Elumelu Foundation Launch African Diaspora Marketplace II with Small Business Workshops in Seven U.S. Cities The Western Union Company (NYSE:WU), a leader in global payment services, and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) today launched the second African Diaspora Marketplace (ADM), an initiative which …

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