• Dois empreendedores Tony Elumelu anunciados como vencedores do Google Impact Challenge com prêmio em dinheiro $500.000

    Of the three winners of the debut Google Impact Challenge, two Tony Elumelu Entrepreneurs have been announced as the winners in an event that was held in Lagos, Nigeria on Wednesday, November 28, 2018. The winning Tony Elumelu Alumni businesses – Help Mum and Project Enable Africa – won $250,000 each with the third winner, …

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  • Mahassin Quadri: a mente brilhante por trás do CashMadam

    No recém-concluído fórum da Fundação Tony Elumelu (TEF), foi realizada uma competição de pitching que permitiu aos empresários de todo o continente africano apresentarem os seus negócios a um painel de juízes especializados. O fundador e CEO da CashMadam, Mahassin Quadri, foi o vencedor desta competição. Ela se encontrou com a equipe da Fundação Tony Elumelu para falar…

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  • Vale Emergente: Cimeira Africana de Tecnologia e Inovações Emergentes 2018

    “From our perspective, Africa is at the cusp of massive transformation. Some call it the fourth industrial revolution, some call it a disruption. I like to borrow a phrase from my children’s bedtime stories—Africa the sleeping giant is awakening.” On the 20th and 21st of November 2018, the Emerging Valley African Tech and Emerging Innovations …

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  • Enfrentando a insurgência violenta na Nigéria por meio de ajuda humanitária e empreendedorismo

    For the growth and development of the African economy, it is impossible for one business or organisation to bear the burden alone. This has made partnerships a key tool in the world of business as it pushes organisations into new markets, gives brands exposure in new terrain and helps companies overcome obstacles faster by utilising …

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  • Prudence Okoilu: um gênio da tecnologia em ascensão

    Muitas vezes é mais fácil falar do que fazer transformar paixão em produtividade. Porém, na vida de Prudence Okoilu, a afirmação acima tornou-se realidade. Começando construindo sites em seu dormitório na Universidade de Lagos, na Nigéria, ele passou a criar diversas plataformas online ao longo dos anos. Ele compartilhou seu negócio…

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  • Jama Yassin: Transformando a Somalilândia, uma colheita de cada vez

    As maiores revoluções da história muitas vezes começaram com as menores decisões. Crescendo com o desejo de melhorar o padrão de vida na Somalilândia, Jama Yassin desafiou as normas ao escolher um caminho empresarial que não era convencional na sua comunidade. Ele conversou com a equipe da Fundação Tony Elumelu sobre sua inspiração, o crescimento de seu negócio e…

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  • Tony Elumelu premiado como filantropo do ano da AABLA 2018

    Founder, Tony Elumelu Foundation, Tony O. Elumelu has been awarded the All Africa Business Leaders Award (AABLA) 2018 Philanthropist of the year for his notable commitment made through his Foundation. This year’s award is in collaboration with CNBC and honours business excellence and leaders who have made a considerable impact on their industry and community. …

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  • Tony Elumelu

    Fundador, Tony Elumelu, falando no Fórum de Investimento Africano do AFDB

    Our Founder and the most prominent champion of entrepreneurship in Africa, Tony O. Elumelu, CON was on the presidential chat at AFDB’s Africa Investment Forum alongside African Heads of States & public sector leaders to discuss the topic, ‘Championing Investments: Conversation with the Private Sector.’ Read the transcript from this session below: Question: In Africa, one of …

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    Tony Elumelu, CON, Founder, Tony Elumelu Foundation and Chairman, Heirs Holdings and UBA has been listed as the 11th Most Charitable Person in the World. The list, which included other notable global figures, was collated by Richtopia, a UK digital magazine, covering business, economic and financial news.   Other notable figures who made the list included Alhaji Aliko …

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  • Destaques do Fórum de Empreendedorismo da Fundação Tony Elumelu (TEF) 2018

    The Tony Elumelu Foundation (TEF) Entrepreneurship Forum 2018 took place at the Balmoral Event Centre, Federal Palace Hotel, Lagos. The event brought together entrepreneurs, guests, investors and dignitaries together under one roof to mark the fourth year of the Tony Elumelu Foundation Entrepreneurship Programme and celebrate African entrepreneurs doing incredible things in their respective countries and sectors. …

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