
  • Agbor Ashumanyi Ako

    Agbor Ashumanyi Ako

    Agbor Ashumanyi Ako é um dos cofundadores da GiftedMom, uma plataforma digital de saúde com sede nos Camarões que dá às mulheres grávidas e mães em toda a África acesso a informações e cuidados de saúde vitais. Como uma plataforma digital, a GiftedMom é capaz de se expandir mais rapidamente do que os sistemas de saúde tradicionais e a start-up pretende atingir 10 milhões de mulheres em…

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  • Flavien Kouatcha

    Flavien Kouatcha

    Flavien Kouatcha is a young engineer who is the head of Save Our Agriculture, a company specializing in aquaponics, a system that allows the cultivation of plants and the breeding of fish in the same device. Using fish droppings he is able to create a natural fertilizer for plant growth. Through the Save Our Agriculture system they …

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  • Melissa Bime

    Melissa Bime

    Melissa Bime is the founder of Infiuss — an online blood bank Bime started in December 2017. In the year since its launch, Infiuss’ motorbikes have delivered more than 2,300 bags of blood to patients at 23 hospitals in Yaoundé and Douala. Before Infiuss, access to blood was a dilemma for both physicians and patients …

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