
  • Érico Pinheiro Fortes

    Érico Pinheiro Fortes

    O empresário cabo-verdiano Erico Pinheiro Fortes fundou a PrimeBotics para desenvolver drones versáteis que fornecem soluções tecnológicas personalizadas aos agricultores, governos e instituições não governamentais relacionadas com a agricultura em África e em todo o mundo. Com a crise global da COVID-19, Erico e o seu parceiro estão a reorientar a PrimeBotics com novas soluções para mitigar a propagação da COVID-19 em Cabo ...

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  • Chidi Ohammah, CEO da Sevenz Healthcare

    Chidi Ohammah

    With the lockdown implemented across Africa and the world, Nigerian-based Chidi Ohammah, CEO of Sevenz Healthcare and a Tony Elumelu Foundation entrepreneur devised an innovative way for people to get tested from the comfort of their homes. With KompleteCare’s team of over 15,000 doctors and technology, individuals can easily check for symptoms of COVID-19, undergo a …

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  • Mohammed Akamara

    In September 2018, Mohammed Akamara, CEO of Light Salone and his team set out to design and fabricate small-scale renewable hybrid energy plants that combine solar and wind. Their product, Sowind Technology, includes a plastic lantern, small scale hydro generator, solar book, and charging telecentres, and is built using recycled materials to provide the cheapest …

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  • Base de Laude

    Base de Laude

    Laud Basing is the founder of Incas Diagnostics, a medical diagnostic development and manufacturing social enterprise located in Kumasi, Ghana. The company seeks to save lives through the design of low-cost, easy-to-use, point-of-care diagnostic test kits designed specifically for Africa. His company also offers an online/mobile platform enabling users to have the convenience of chatting …

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  • Hamadou Daouda - NOVATECH

    Hamadou Daouda

    Hamadou Daouda, um empresário do Níger e beneficiário da Fundação Tony Elumelu, descobriu uma solução para ligar a sua comunidade a informações relevantes. Em março, lançou um serviço gratuito, através da sua empresa Novatech, que permite a toda a população do Níger telefonar e obter conselhos sobre como prevenir a COVID-19 nas 5 línguas nacionais. ...

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  • Dr.

    Dr. Adereni Abiodun is the founder and CEO of HelpMum on a mission to reduce maternal and infant mortality in Nigeria. During the covid-19 pandemic, HelpMum began the distribution of 10,000 face masks to nurses and traditional birth attendants in primary health centres and rural areas, as well as pregnant women and nursing mothers in …

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  • Mascote Henrique

    Africa’s insured population stands at just 2% of 1.2billion people. To drive up the numbers, Co-founder/CEO of Curacle Systems, Henry Masco is focused on insurance inclusion in emerging markets across the African continent. Curacel Systems, an AI-powered claims management and fraud detection system for health insurers is helping insurers reduce fraud, fast-track claims processing while …

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  • Olasupo Abideen

    Olasupo Abideen

    Olasupo Abideen journey into entrepreneurship came from the need that he identified in his community. As a student of chemistry and volunteer to SDGs groups, Olasupotook a keen interest in clean, renewable energy, that could be used instead of orthodox fuelling options, and one of them was Liquefied Petroleum Gas. In 2017, Olasupo took a …

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  • Julieta Namujju

    Juliet Namujju is the CEO of Kimuli Fashionability, a Ugandan fashion label on a mission to create a world made better with recyclable fashion. Her story started with the loss of both her parents at an early stage of her life. While growing up, her grandmother who was a tailor taught her how to sew …

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  • Zion Oshiobugie

    Zion Oshiobugie

    Clever Minds is a consultancy firm offering training and educational services to children in rural communities at affordable prices. Zion and his team has provided education, skills training and entrepreneurship, lunch and school supplies to over 105 underprivileged /Orphaned children in their nursery and primary school in Warri, Delta state Nigeria. They are currently supporting …

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Apply NOW for $5000 in the 2025 Tony Elumelu Foundation Entrepreneurship Programme!


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