
  • Ibrahim Aboki

    Ibrahim Mohammed Aboki

    Ibrahim Mohammed Aboki é um empreendedor social premiado, consultor de desenvolvimento de negócios e CEO da Fatara Farms – uma empresa especializada em fornecer aos agricultores de baixa renda uma solução solar abrangente, acessível e fácil de usar em suas atividades agrícolas; Desde que recebeu o financiamento inicial da Fundação Tony Elumelu, a Fatara Farms capacitou 5,642…

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  • Joel Cherop

    Joel Cherop

    Joel Cherop is a Ugandan and beneficiary of the Tony Elumelu Foundation Entrepreneurship Programme. His agri-business, Ataari River Integrated Irrigation Initiative (ARIII), a horticulture and rice production venture identifies, trains and seeds young people to begin their own agri-business ventures in a model dubbed “Learn as you earn”. Since receiving seed capital from the TEF …

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  • Arinze Eze

    Ndubuisi Eze

    Ndubuisi Eze, “The Drone Guy” as he is popularly called, is one of the TEF beneficiaries. He applied to the Foundation’s Programme with an idea to unlock the potential of smart farming. He had plans to build drones with dual capability – to help farmers with crop dusting and provide information about the farm through …

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  • Kaddu Davis Nkwanga

    “Siloa Medical Laboratory” is a private health facility located in Kasubi zone III a suburb of Kampala which provides efficient laboratory-based health services to customers. They provide services like general medical care, laboratory services, health checks, maternity and antenatal, at affordable rates. Major milestones, Kaddu Davis have crossed are; being able to create jobs for …

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  • Jean-Hugues Houinsou

    Jean- Hugues is the Founder of La Vedette,  a media agency in Benin that specialises in social media marketing, search engine advertising and display networks affiliated with Google, website development. Since Jean-Hugues completed the TEF Programme, he has been able to set up a physical location for La Vedette, employ 4 people, develop the targeted …

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  • Timothy Manji Bemana

    A Timbio Enterprise é uma startup focada na produção de sabonetes líquidos, vaselina, sabonetes sólidos e produtos de higiene pessoal.

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  • Temitayo Orekoya em pé e segurando o microfone

    Temitayo Orekoya

    A Crawford Swim World Ltd começou como uma empresa de aulas de natação, mas se expandiu para incluir Programação Aquática para Empresas e Famílias. A Crawford Swim World se orgulha de ser confiável e acessível, oferecendo a melhor escolha possível para empresas e famílias.

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  • Leroy Mwasaru

    Profile As a high school student of Maseno School, Young Leroy Mwasaru started Greenpact when his school faced a problem of a faulty sewer system. The sewer problem polluted nearby sources of domestic water for the neighboring community, sparking a demonstration against the school. In a bid to provide a solution to this problem, Leroy …

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  • Dainel-Oulai

    Daniel Oulai

    Profile Daniel Oulai, hailing from a small village in Dainé on the western region of Côte D’Ivoire, saw time after time, how farm producers sweat and complain about the selling prices of their crops as well as the loss of major portions of their harvest due to poor pest control. That was he founded The …

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  • Danso Kwabena

    Danso Kwabena

    Danso Kwabena is the CEO of Booomers International, a subsidiary social enterprise of The Yonso Project, which produces and markets bamboo bicycles and accessories to both the Ghanaian and international markets. The company manufactures different types of bamboo bicycles and their accessories – such as bicycle stands and baskets – to help improve transportation, youth employment, …

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Apply NOW for $5000 in the 2025 Tony Elumelu Foundation Entrepreneurship Programme!


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