
  • Msindazwe Ndhlovu

    O empresário do Botswana, Msindazwe Ndhlovu, fundou a The Noble Savage, uma empresa que recicla resíduos de plástico e vidro para fabricar materiais de construção alternativos ecológicos que são mais leves, mais fortes, duráveis e acessíveis. A empresa fabrica telhas e outros materiais utilizando uma mistura de resíduos de plástico pós-consumo e misturando-os com areia para criar um produto ligado com resina polimérica…

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  • Lombola Lombola 

    Lombola Lombola is the founder of Bamboo express, a company that makes furniture from ecofriendly bamboo. Lombola Lombola started the company to empower the youth and women locally. Bamboo Express is solving the problem of deforestation, youth unemployment, and lack of income alternatives for rural women. They run a youth apprenticeship program and purchase 90% of …

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  • Richard Bbaale

    Ugandan entrepreneur, Richard Bbaale is a social entrepreneur from Uganda that founded BanaPads in 2010, a company using banana pseudostem wastes, which are usually left to rot after harvesting, to make sanitary towels. BanaPads is an award winning social enterprise registered in Uganda and Tanzania with the aim of manufacturing affordable and eco-friendly (100% biodegradable) sanitary …

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  • Letsogile Kennedy 

    Letsogile Kennedy é um empreendedor social premiado, arquiteto e fundador da Ecohub, uma startup estabelecida que utiliza resíduos plásticos de forma inovadora para produzir eco-tijolos e ecocasas de embalagem plana, acessíveis e projetados por arquitetos. EcoHub é uma startup local que fabrica tijolos ecológicos a partir de materiais reciclados. O plano é fabricar materiais de construção “verdes” a partir de resíduos e, ao mesmo tempo…

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  • Tom-Chris Emewulu

    Tom-Chris Emewulu is a 2017 TEF entrepreneur and founder of SFAN, an Accra-based education company that unlocks the potential of youths. SFAN (Stars From All Nations) is a social enterprise that works in equipping young Africans with skills and opportunities they need to engage the real world, through EPIC events and a 6-weeks career accelerator program …

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  • Contramestre Tijani

    Bosun Tijani is a Nigerian entrepreneur and co-founder and CEO of Co-Creation Hub, a technology innovation centre that provides a cushy nest for Innovators and Creatives solving pressing social problems in Africa. In 2012, the Tony Elumelu Foundation provided CcHUB with a $100,000 investment to support the development of Bosun’s Hub. Since then, Bosun has …

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  • Oluseun Onigbinde

    Oluseun Onigbinde is a Nigerian entrepreneur and open data analyst popularly known as the co-founder and CEO of budgIT, a Nigerian civic startup. Oluseun Onigbinde is a fiscal transparency advocate and a firm believer in the power of Open Data. In 2012, he was awarded the Future Awards Prize for Science and Tech Innovation and …

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  • Ouse Odumade

    Dare Odumade é o cofundador da Chekkit, uma empresa nigeriana que utiliza a tecnologia blockchain para ajudar os utilizadores a verificar a autenticidade dos produtos antes de os consumir. Desde o lançamento, Dare e a sua equipa tiveram impacto/protegeram mais de 80 000 vidas. Isto é medido a partir do número de autenticações de produtos de consumo que registaram.

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  • Chioma Ifeanyi-Eze

    Chioma Ifeanyi-Eze is an entrepreneur-accountant with a zest to increase the sustainable growth rate in SME’s within Africa. She has over 11 years of experience on bookkeeping, finance and business consulting from several banking and finance organisations. A Chartered Accountant and a Chartered Tax practitioner, in 2015, she introduced a virtual and retail tech- accounting …

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  • Jubril Odulana

    Jubril Odulana is a medical doctor and the founder of Doctoora, a real estate company in healthcare operating an online marketplace for health-related products and services. His company, Doctoora, is focused on increasing access to quality healthcare by enabling health professionals setup private practice with ease and connecting patients, to these quality healthcare practitioners. His …

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