
  • Kgomotso Tlhokwane

    Kgomotso Tlhokwane

    O sonho de Kgomotso Tlhokwane era mudar o mundo das pequenas maneiras que pudesse e fazer a diferença na sua indústria e no Bostwana. Ela conseguiu fazer isso por meio da Fundação Tony Elumelu. Sua seleção como empreendedora de Tony Elumelu influenciou significativamente sua capacidade de aumentar a força da equipe e realizar mais. A Gestão Empresarial…

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  • Tidiane Rangel

    Tidiane Rangel

    With a business team composed mainly of female locals, Angola’s Tidiane Rangel is securing Angola’s economic growth and empowering women through its direct and indirect contribution to the development of other local businesses. Her vision was inspired by a challenge she wanted to address, which is that the difficulty in local sourcing for needed resources …

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  • Avotriniaina Stannie

    In July 2020, Madagascar born Stannie Avotriniaina launched a little factory named Mahatsara, with the aim of producing dried fruits and vegetables, but have more products like arranged rhum with dried fruits. Through the Tony Elumelu Foundation Entrepreneurship Programme, Stannie has been able to sharpen her entrepreneurial skills to the benefit of herself and her …

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  • Taiwo Awusinu

    Taiwo Awusinu

    A graduate from Lagos State University, Taiwo Sagbo Awusinu is an entrepreneur whose passion for entrepreneurship has enabled him to run a pig production and pork processing industry and Agro consultant film. His deep interest in agriculture and its value chains was inspired by his family’s affiliation with the sector. At the Tony Elumelu Foundation …

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  • Timothy Williams

    Timóteo Williams

    From the first day he came across the Tony Elumelu Foundation Entrepreneurship Programme application in February 2019, Nigerian Timothy Williams, a teacher, agri-business enthusiast, business plan writer and Agric-business consultant, knew it was the right fit for his vision. He read everything about the foundation and the programme; the criteria and requirements for application and …

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  • Olayinka Bello

    Olayinka Bello

    Olayinka Bello’s entrepreneurial mission was to change the mindset and impression of Nigerians towards Nigerian-made products by using chemistry as a yardstick. His dream of having a footwear brand first occurred at his primary school graduation, when his father bought him a pair of oversized moccasin shoes. As a result of this, he wore the …

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  • Ex-alunos do TEF, James Strauss

    James Strauss

    Como estrategista de marca e designer multimídia profissional experiente com mais de 8 anos de experiência, James Strauss decidiu lançar uma empresa 360 Media na Namíbia em 2019 para ajudar as empresas em suas necessidades de marketing digital. O Programa de Empreendedorismo da Fundação Tony Elumelu deu-lhe o apoio necessário para assumir um compromisso de tal…

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  • Santo Eudes Bissala

    Santo Eudes Bissala

    Com formação académica científica, Saint Eudes seguiu o mundo da arquitetura e depois encontrou-se na área das TIC onde atuou como incubador, gerindo equipas de projetos e desenvolvendo as suas capacidades de liderança. No entanto, foi em 2019, através do programa da Fundação Tony Elumelu, que recebeu a formação e validação que obteve.

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  • Chimezie Nicholas Chukwunta

    Chimezie Nicholas Chukwunta é o fundador da 4Figure, uma empresa que trabalha no protótipo do primeiro aplicativo de comunicação e aprendizagem intercultural na Nigéria. Ele conseguiu catalogar cerca de 30 frases básicas de 10 línguas nigerianas, incluindo, entre outras, Igbo, Hausa, Yoruba. Eles também estão catalogando mais de 30 iguarias nigerianas e perguntas triviais…

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  • Uchenna Agbo

    In 2019, Uchenna Agbo got admitted into the TEF Entrepreneurship Programme with Nollywood Insider, a business idea he decided to explore as an offshoot of his main company Okike Media. After going through the Programme, Uchenna pivoted into an application that provides a digital village where creatives can meet with hiring companies and get hired …

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Apply NOW for $5000 in the 2025 Tony Elumelu Foundation Entrepreneurship Programme!


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