Tag Archives: Entrepreneurship

  • Leveraging the Power of Data to Drive African Entrepreneurship

    Data has become a critical resource for businesses in today’s digital age. It provides insights that can help companies make informed decisions, identify trends, and drive growth. In Africa, where entrepreneurship is critical for economic development, data is particularly crucial. The Tony Elumelu Foundation recognizes the importance of data for entrepreneurship and has been working …

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    at Presidential Banquet Hall State House Abuja – FCT Monday, May 15, 2023   PART 1: Intro and Greeting Entrepreneurship, Youth Engagement, and Wealth Creation’. Part 2 Part 3: How do you create entrepreneurs? Part 4: How do you engage youth? PART 5: Conclusion Tony O. Elumelu, CFR Chairman;  Heirs Holdings Group United Bank for …

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  • Blue Sands Academy

    Growing an Ed-Tech in a Digital  World

    The twenty-first century is generally known as the Information Age – an era marked by the rapid adoption of new technologies and the creation of digital economies. In these modern times, the role of technology is significant and regarded as the underpinning of socioeconomic development. An economy lacking in technology cannot grow in this current …

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  • Burundi_Country_portal

    Burundi – The Heart of Africa

    Agricultural entrepreneurship refers to farmers’ ability to change or abandon old models and enter new phases of agriculture. And this leads us to today’s episode of the #TEFAdvocacy space where we talk about the policies that affect entrepreneurs in Burundi. Burundi’s economy is dominated by Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs). According to research done …

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  • Senegal girl

    To be educated is to be informed

    Education Is The Most Powerful Weapon Which You Can Use To Change The World Nelson Mandela Education provides entrepreneurs with cognitive skills to better evaluate and exploit entrepreneurial opportunities.  On today’s episode of #TEFAdvocacy, we will be discussing challenges affecting entrepreneurs in Senegal.  Shortage of jobs in Senegal means people are forced to fend for …

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  • Uganda

    Empowering Female Entrepreneurs in Uganda

    ” We need to prioritise our women. As a father of five girls and being surrounded by women in the workplace, I see first-hand, the energy, the potential, and the professionalism in women’s leadership and I encourage it.”  Tony O. Elumelu, CON Africa leads the world in terms of numbers of women business owners. In …

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  • Angola

    Corruption Barriers to Entrepreneurs in Angola

    Despite its large market size and potential business opportunities, Angola is deemed one of the most difficult business environments in the world. To be successful, considerable time and capital commitment is required. A strong, experienced local partner is also highly advisable.   Corruption remains a major barrier to doing business in Angola, despite some progress. It …

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  • Dispatch rider on Motorcycle

    Logistics Challenges are Crippling the Activities of Nigerian Entrepreneurs 

    The Tony Elumelu foundation is the leading champion of entrepreneurship in Africa. African entrepreneurs are the heart of the foundation and what bothers these entrepreneurs bothers us all at TEF.  On today’s episode of #TEFAdvocacy, we will be discussing challenges affecting entrepreneurs in Nigeria. Quintessentially policy-based logistics challenges.  We started advocacy [through the Tony Elumelu …

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  • A street in Libya

    Libya: Healthy Economic Environments to Stimulate Entrepreneurial Activities  

    “We need a more active private sector. The private sector must engage with the government to let them know the need to address the job issue so as to get massive investment to create job opportunities for the youths.”  Tony O. Elumelu, CON Libya has recently experienced significant political, social and economic changes in its state …

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  • Gravel Art

    Kenyan Startups Should Have an Optimized Regulatory Environment 

    “I see a future driven by fundamentals. Entrepreneurship is the only way to help create access to further opportunities.”  Tony O. Elumelu  According to Kasi Insight, industries and enterprises in Kenya are hit with new laws and regulations every day. These laws are often carried out by the government and stakeholders to regulate the operations …

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