Tag Archives: TEF 2022

  • TEF 2022 Application Banner

    A Personal Note From Our Founder

    Dear African Entrepreneur, We all did it…. We made it through 2021. Another year of the global pandemic, uncertainty, challenge, but also opportunity. As we enter 2022, I wanted to write personally, as we plan for the future and create new goals.  I want to share a little of my own story and what I …

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  • Apply for TEF 2022

    Inscreva-se AGORA para um subsídio de US $ 5.000 no Programa de Empreendedorismo da Fundação Tony Elumelu 2022!

    Lagos, Nigéria: A Fundação Tony Elumelu (TEF), a principal filantropia que capacita jovens empreendedores Africanos em todos os 54 países Africanos, abriu as inscrições para o Programa de TEF 2022 em www.TEFConnect.net. Os empreendedores Africanos com ideias de negócios ou negócios existentes com menos de 5 anos, são incentivados a se inscrever agora para $ …

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  • Apply for TEF 2022

    Postulez MAINTENANT pour une subvention de 5000 $ le programme d’entrepreneuriat de la Fondation Tony Elumelu 2022!

    Lagos, Nigéria : La Fondation Tony Elumelu (TEF), la principale organisation philanthropique qui autonomise les jeunes entrepreneurs africains dans les 54 pays africains, a ouvert les candidatures pour le programme d’entrepreneuriat TEF 2022 sur www.TEFConnect.net. Les entrepreneurs africains ayant des idées d’affaires ou des entreprises existantes de moins de 5 ans sont encouragés à postuler dès maintenant …

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  • Apply for TEF 2022

    Apply NOW for $5000 in the 2022 Tony Elumelu Foundation Entrepreneurship Programme!

    Updated: Apply here for $5000 in the 2024 Tony Elumelu Foundation Entrepreneur Programme. Learn more Lagos, Nigeria: The Tony Elumelu Foundation (TEF), the leading philanthropy empowering young African entrepreneurs across all 54 African countries, has opened applications for the 2022 TEF Entrepreneurship Programme on www.TEFConnect.com African entrepreneurs with business ideas or existing businesses under 5 …

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