Tag Archives: TEF Alumni

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    Selected Tony Elumelu Entrepreneurs for 2021

    Click here to view to see the breakdown of the selected Tony Elumelu Entrepreneurs for 2021 Submit Cancel Thanks for your feedback!

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    مؤسسة توني إلوميلو تصرف 24.75 مليون دولار للشركات5000 الأفريقية الأفريقية 2021…. يحصل كل رائد

    English, French, Portuguese لاغوس ، نيجيريا: اختارت مؤسسة توني إلوميلو (TEF) ، وهي الأعمال الخيرية الرائدة التي تمكن رواد الأعمال الأفارقة من جميع بلدان 54 الأفريقية ، رواد أعمال 4,949 من جميع أنحاء إفريقيا لبرنامج ريادة الأعمال 2021. تم اختيار المستفيدين من 2021 من مجموعة تضم أكثر من 400,000 طلب ، بناء على ابتكاراتهم وأدائهم …

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  • TEF Selection Announcement Event Photo

    A Fundação Tony Elumelu Desembolsa Us $ 24,75 Milhões Para 5000 Pmes Africanas Para O Programa 2021

    English, French, Arabic Lagos, Nigeria: A Fundação Tony Elumelu (TEF), a principal filantropia que capacita empreendedores africanos de todos os 54 países africanos, selecionou 4.949 empreendedores de toda a África para seu Programa de Empreendedorismo 2021. Os beneficiários de 2021 foram selecionados a partir de um pool de mais de 400.000 candidaturas, com base em …

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  • TEF Selection Announcement Event Photo

    La Fondation Tony Elumelu Verse 24,75 Millions De Dollars Aux 5000 Pme Africaines Pour Le Programme 2021

    English, Portuguese, Arabic Lagos, Nigéria: La Fondation Tony Elumelu (TEF), la principale organisation philanthropique qui autonomise les entrepreneurs africains des 54 pays africains, a sélectionné 4 949 entrepreneurs de toute l’Afrique pour son programme d’entrepreneuriat 2021. Les bénéficiaires de 2021 ont été sélectionnés parmi un pool de plus de 400 000 candidatures, en fonction de …

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  • TEF Selection Announcement Event Photo

    Tony Elumelu Foundation disburses $24.75 million to 5000 African SMEs for 2021 Programme

    French, Portuguese, Arabic Lagos, Nigeria: The Tony Elumelu Foundation (TEF), the leading philanthropy empowering African entrepreneurs from all 54 African countries, has selected 4,949 entrepreneurs from across Africa for its 2021 Entrepreneurship Programme. The 2021 beneficiaries were selected from a pool of over 400,000 applications, based on their innovation, performance, and growth potential to create …

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  • Richard Bbaale

    BanaPads Is Making Menstruation Management Affordable And Convenient For Women

    It is no secret that menstruation, is still considered a social taboo in many parts of the world. There is common theme of silence when conversations about the subject come up. As though it is not as natural as breathing. This is challenge inspired Richard Bbaale, a 2016 TEF Alumna from Uganda to create BanaPads. …

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  • Nkem Okocha

    Mama Moni Is Closing The Credit Gap For Low-Income Women

    Nkem Okocha, 2015 TEF Alumnae and Founder of Mama Moni, grew up with a widowed mother who had to raise four children singlehandedly, with no vocational skill or source of income. Living through a childhood where feeding and access to education were major challenges for her family, she was inspired to empower the poor women …

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  • Dare Odumade

    Chekkit Advances In Its Mission To Protect Africa Against Food And Drug Counterfeits

    Africa is currently battling a drug and food counterfeit menace. The World Health Organisation (WHO) released a report that reveals that between 64,000 and 158,000 people die from counterfeit anti-malarial drugs in sub-Saharan Africa per year. Dare Odumade, 2019 TEF Alumna co-founded Chekkit to address this worrisome challenge that plagues the continent. Chekkit is a …

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  • Michel Nkuindja

    Michel Is Driving Africa’s Narrative Through Video Games

    Growing up in an African home, Michel Nkuindja, 2015 TEF Alumna, was lulled to sleep with stories about powerful and impactful women and men on the continent. This was the inspiration behind his company, Noohkema Game Studios, a creative studio that specializes in the production of real-time 3D content. Michel realised very quickly as he …

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  • Constant

    Constant Ayihounoun Is Popularising Ecological Agriculture In Benin

    2019 TEF Alumni, Constant Ayihounoun, is on a mission to raise awareness of sustainable production techniques in his home country Benin republic, through training, production, and distribution of organic agricultural inputs by his company, Agreco. Agreco is a company that produces organic fertilizers and pesticides and sells them to agricultural cooperatives and green spaces. Unlike …

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