TEF Alumni, Bokovo is growing and processing Moringa to solve the problem of malnutrition
Description of her business
Assiba Fée Sarl is an agrobusiness company majoring in moringa growing and processing. Moringa is the most nutritive plant in the world. They process moringa into juice, pasta, syrup and jam to balance food without changing any taste.
How long have you been running your business
Over 36 months.
What led her to be an entrepreneur
Some years ago when she had her baby, Assiba struggled with breastfeeding as her breasts were not giving enough milk. She had received some extreme advice (like drink hot beer etc) but the only plausible one that she got was to eat Moringa leaves/seed.
She did as advised and not only did her breast start to produce more than enough milk, her baby who was just 1 month and 1 week old became very fresh and healthy (He weighed 2.7kg upon birth but after moringa weighed almost 5kg ) and was looking like he was 3 months or more.
With the high rate of child malnutrition in Africa, Assiba’s miracle brought about by Moringa tree was something she thought was worthy to be shared with her community. Assiba however noticed that people only knew Moringa in the leaf/seed form and she decided to protect, dry and grind the leaves/seed into powder that can be added into juice, pasta, syrup and jam to balance food without changing its taste.
Before the intervention: She had four workers (including herself). After the intervention: She now has ten workers (including herself).
Before the intervention: She was making 3000000 cfa per annum. After the intervention: She now makes 16000000 cfa per annum.
Milestone achieved after the intervention
The TEF seed capital made it possible for her to renovate/rebuild her office space which prior to that did not meet the standard food processing requirement. She was also able to buy modern machines/equipment’s that meet the quality control standard.
Just after the 12 weeks training of the TEFEP, she had been won three contests, they are: Get in the Ring Cotonou, Fenou contest and Food Connection Challenge. She had also raised 30,000 dollars and has begun the building of the factory that will serve hundreds of customers that are trusting them.