Ghana | Agriculture

Efuom Ghana

Efuom Ghana

Ayisha Souleymane

Ayisha Affo Souleymane


Efuom Ghana is an agribusiness that provides solutions to post-harvest losses involved in the supply of agricultural produce from rural smallholder farmers to bulk buyers in Ghana and internationally. Through Efuom Ghana’s digital platform, Efuom Connect, buyers in the urban areas can source produce from a tap of a button and smallholder farmers are able to reach customers through a simple phone call.

Operating in Ghana, and currently negotiating deals across borders, our vision is to create a value-provision ecosystem for farmers through sustainable agricultural and commercial practises by developing a holistic system that boosts production, improves access to financing and revenue, and creates healthy livelihoods for smallholder farmers. In about two years, Efuom has worked with about 550 farmers, providing training on sustainable farming and also providing them access to high-end customers for their commodities. We are currently exploring the opportunity presented by the Ukrain-Russia crises since that puts a huge gap in the soyabean supply chain. Efuom Ghana is positioning itself to fill in this gap and turn Ghana into one of the world’s major suppliers of soyabeans.


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