Nigeria | Coffee Brewing

Happy Coffee

Happy Coffee

Princess Adeyinka Tekenah

Princess Adeyinka Tekenah


Happy Coffee is an indigenous Seed to Cup Nigerian coffee company, improving the consumption and production of locally sourced coffee by bringing Fresh Brew Coffee to the cup of an average Nigerian. Currently, 90% of coffee consumed in Nigeria is imported, thereby creating opportunities within the coffee sector, where roast coffee market in Nigeria was equal to 681.60 million USD. The coffee market in Nigeria is forecasted to reach 4.62 billion USD (in retail prices), thus increasing at a CAGR of 18.13% per annum for the period between 2020-2025. With $5000 seed grant in 2015, we have successful designed 10 market fit coffee products, established 3 Coffee Experience Centers, served over 30,000 cups of coffee, pioneered a Coffee festival, all with a growing revenue of over $80,000 (cumulative). In the next 5 years, our goal is to grow our revenue to $2million and expand our portfolio to 5 Nigerian cities and 2 countries, whilst boosting the state of our Coffee Value Chain participation.


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