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Tonzi Skills Training Centre

Edinah Mudondo

Edinah Mudondo


Small entrepreneurs represent 98% of the Ugandan corporate ecosystem. 50% of them do not finish high school or college and 71% are at the informal market. Most of them are women, and started their business by necessity. Tonzi Skills Training Centre (TSTCs) is an online and free platform, to support micro-entrepreneurs to develop their entrepreneurial and soft skills in order to help them develop their micro-businesses and improve their access to a decent life. Before the pandemic, we had 100 users and a conclusion rate of 23.5% of our online courses. With the pandemic, our numbers of users have doubled, the microentrepreneurs were directly affected and in need of free support to build resilience during this time. It proves to be an excellent solution since international organizations are reaching out to us to bring the solution to their countries since the onsite trainings are cancelled.


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